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Fort Collins Drug Rehab Center

The Therapeutic Benefits of Laughter

By Addiction, Community, Media, Mental Health, Misc, Therapy, Treatment

It is a common occurrence amongst therapists to joke that if they bring their clients to tears then they know they’ve done something right. We believe that laughter can be one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. 

Other reasons why laughing is therapeutic:

Connection: Laughter increases one’s ability to be close with others, and is an expression most often used in a social context. We are 30 times more likely to laugh if we are with another person. Cognitive neuroscientist Sophie Scott said we laugh “to show people that you understand them, that you agree with them, and you are part of the same group with them. You’re laughing to show them you like them, you might even love them. Laughter is doing all that emotional work for you.”

See what else Sophie has to say in her Ted Talk Why We Laugh

Nervous System Regulation: laughter reduces sympathetic nervous system activity (fight or flight response) and increases parasympathetic system activity, which can relax the whole body, thus reducing the impact of stress on the body and mind.

Read more about laughter and the nervous system here.

Perspective: it offers a new way to look at a situation and

“Humor and laughter can shift perspective and change the way our mind views or experiences an event.”

Emotional Health

Emotional health, but physical health have been linked to laughter as well.  Norman Cousins, who wrote Anatomy of an Illness (1979), describes his experience using laughter to help him live a longer, and more pain free life while suffering from an illness affecting the immune system. According to Cousins:

  • Laughter:
    • Releases endorphins in the brain that fight physical pain.
    • Protects our immune systems.
    • Increases antibodies that fight infection.
    • Increases natural killer cell activity. Natural killer cells attack cancerous cells in the body.
    • Improves cardiovascular health
    • Activates neuro-chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine, acting as a natural antidepressant.

And one final thought; did you know there is something called “Laughter Yoga”? Make sure to check out this Ted Talk by Dr. Madan Kataria, the pioneer of Laughter Yoga, which is now a worldwide practice for improving overall health and wellbeing.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, Mental Health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol. To learn more about our Longmont Drug Rehab, call 888-509-3153.

Fort Collins Drug rehab center

Three Steps To Get Through the Tough Times in Recovery

By Community, Treatment

Throughout my time in recovery, to say that I have had ups and downs would be a great understatement. Life happens, and when it does, look out! Not unlike a roller-coaster, it will throw you for loops, spins, climbs and descents, as well as equal parts of excitement and fear.

Life is not always easy. In fact, it seldom is. This is one very important lesson that I have learned from being in recovery for 9 years.

Throughout my recovery, I have been divorced, engaged, not engaged, employed, un-employed, loved and had my heart broken. I have buried some friends and also seen others get married and become parents. I have seen my 3 nieces become Bat-Mitzvah. I have had great successes professionally as well as great disappointments.

What really matters is what we do when things aren’t easy, so that we can get through and come out the other side to enjoy the good things that life has to offer. My journey has included several steps that I know I need to take when presented with difficult times.

First, I need to recognize what’s happening, and to shine a light on my problems instead of running and hiding from them. By confronting them, I can break them down to manageable issues.

Second, I need to come up with a plan of action. This can include therapy, walks with friends, healthy coping skills, being around those who love me, meditation and prayer, and even workshops that encourage honest and real growth.

Third, and this is only what I know works for me, I dive back into my AA community. I attend more meetings, I work the steps again, I get a service position, and I call my sponsor and ask for help.

These things have helped me get where I am today. It’s when things are the toughest that we most need to recommit to what got us here in the first place. Anyone in long-term recovery will tell you that it takes effort and work to maintain what you have achieved.

“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it is going to be worth it”

-Arthur Williams Jr.

Written by Ben Marbach, Sober Living Program Manager/Case Manager

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, Mental Health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol. To learn more about our Longmont Drug Rehab, call 888-509-3153.

Medically Assisted Therapy

What is MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment)?

By Treatment

Trying to overcome an drug addiction or alcohol addiction can be one of the most challenging and difficult tasks that any individual embarks upon. At The Redpoint Center, our drug rehab in Longmont Colorado, we understand the challenge that our clients are up against when they try to quit using their substance of choice. We also believe that pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, and just “quitting”, is an outdated idea that is not effective.

Successful recovery from a substance use disorder requires many different interventions. I like the use of analogies, and often compare successful recovery from substance abuse to recovery from a medical condition such as a myocardial infarction, or heart attack.

If a person suffers a heart attack, which is the result of a blockage in one of the arteries that supplies the heart with blood, I would offer a variety of interventions to help this person recover. This person would be started on an exercise regimen, a heart-healthy diet, instructed to reduce stress and get adequate amounts of sleep, and given medications to help with blood pressure and heart rate, cholesterol and a type of blood thinner as a part of a comprehensive recovery plan.

At The Redpoint Center we understand that recovery from substance use disorders and addiction is no different. We offer a variety of addiction interventions, including group and individual therapy, coaching and case management, family support, health and wellness instruction and medical evaluation and follow-up. Sometimes medications are necessary and extremely helpful, when used in conjunction with the above interventions, to help an individual stop using a substance they are addicted to and find a path to recovery.

At The Redpoint Center, we have a full-time, board certified physician on staff that cares for our clients. Medication Assisted Treatment, or MAT, is sometimes used to help our clients stop using an addictive substance, if it is indicated.

SAHMSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, defines Medication Assisted Treatment, or MAT, as the use of FDA approved medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.

MAT is always supervised by a physician on a case-by-case basis. At our addiction treatment center, all of our clients are evaluated by our medical director on admission, where the pros and cons of medication assisted treatment is typically discussed. MAT can be used in many ways to help people stop using their drug of choice. We believe that MAT is most successful when used in conjunction with other treatments.

Most people think of MAT as drugs used to help with withdrawal symptoms or cravings. There are many drugs available for these purposes, and physicians can prescribe medications to help with withdrawal from alcohol, opioids, cannabis, and nicotine, to name a few. There are also medications that can be prescribed that will block the effects of drugs if they are used, which is another common strategy. One medication which has had a lot of publicity recently is Suboxone otherwise known as Buprenorphine. Buprenorphine is used in MAT to help people quick using heroin or other opiates. The benefits of Suboxone is that it contains the anti-craving medication buprenorphine as well as naloxone, an abuse deterrent drug.

But Medication Assisted Treatment can also include the treatment of co-occurring conditions, especially mental health conditions, that can make it difficult to abstain from the use of substances if the substances are being used to treat symptoms of the mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression.

At The Redpoint Center, we evaluate every individual on a case by case basis to see if MAT is something that would be helpful for our clients. Our medical director spends time with each client individually, explaining the pros and cons of the suggested medical treatment if one is recommended. In some cases, clients are resistant to the idea of medications, because they feel like they are “cheating” in some way. However, we believe the opposite to be true. Addiction is an illness, and MAT can in many cases make recovery from a substance use disorder possible in cases where it once seemed insurmountable.

There are many aspects of recovery from a substance use disorder, and MAT is only one of these tools, but it is a very important tool that The Redpoint Center takes very seriously.

Some of the MAT options that are available at The Redpoint Center, Longmonts premier drug rehab:

  • Suboxone
  • Vivitrol
  • Antabuse
  • Naltrexone
  • Depression Medications
  • Anxiety Medications

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, Mental Health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol. To learn more about our Longmont Drug Rehab, call 888-509-3153.

comfort finding growth

The Paradox of Comfort

By Therapy, Treatment


a state or situation in which you are relaxed and do not have any mentally or physically unpleasant feelings

Comfort is a funny thing. In small doses it allows us to recover and marshal our resources. However, in excess, it can become crippling. Most of us allow levels of comfort into our life. It’s natural. But, it can be unhealthy. Discomfort has a positive side—it helps us grow. Hence, when we are complacent it’s best to push beyond the comfort zone.

Strength Beyond Comfort

The truth is that actively pursuing resistance makes us stronger. Friction and resistance mark the line between our current ability level and our potential. Challenging our limits extends the borders, expanding the field of possibilities available to us. Where there was once a limit, now there is newfound strength of character and capability in its place. Consequently, a bit of discomfort can lead to significant growth.

The principle applies to every aspect of our lives, including exercise and diet. If we don’t have the motivation, we can manufacture it. When we are tempted to make poor choices we can summon the discipline to overcome the seduction of complacency. You can contend with the familiarity of comfort when you should be exerting mental or physical effort over an aspect of your life you want to improve. With practice, over time, we can make discomfort and resistance our allies.

Embracing Change

Here are a couple of questions to consider.

  • What are some of the habits you wish you had?
  • Can you identify a few areas of your life that you want to improve?

All of our aspirations depend on sacrifice and discomfort. We have access to the same 168 hours each week, yet those who continually reach and strive to get out of their comfort zone are able to achieve much more with their time. The greatest gift we can give the world and everyone we meet along the way is the gift of self-evolution.

In conclusion, the paradox of comfort means something different to each of us. The question is, how can you welcome discomfort into your life? We need to see the opportunity for growth and challenge in little moments. Perhaps it’s a chance to embrace being cold or hot. Or an opportunity. to work out late or early. Maybe we read when we would rather watch television. Each moment offers a chance to step over our smaller self and closer to our more ideal self.

Have a good week, and FULLY get after it. 


If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, Mental Health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol. To learn more about our Longmont Drug Rehab, call 888-509-3153.

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How to Help Someone Struggling with Thoughts of Suicide

By Mental Health, Therapy, Treatment

According to a report released by The Centers for Disease Control, suicide rates have risen in all but one state in the United States between 1999 and 2016. In more than half of all deaths in 27 states, the person who committed suicide had no known mental health condition when they took their lives.

In 2016, nearly 45,000 suicides occurred in The United States. Particularly alarming are the statistics showing that in 2016, over 115,000 suicide attempts by adolescents were reported in U.S. hospitals.

The general thinking on the cause of this rise of suicidal ideation in teens and adults seems to have its roots in a lack of mental health treatment in the U.S., a rise in Substance abuse, alcohol abuse, and drug addiction, and a continued rise in the connection between cell phones, social media, and depression.

According to a 2017 study, teenagers are more likely to consider suicide when they spend more than 5 hours per day on their devices. Even though teenagers are considered to be under more pressure at school, this does not turn out to affect depression rates among those studied.

It’s important to know that there are things you can do if you know someone who is struggling with suicide:

  1. Reach out for help, suicidal ideation/depression/and substance abuse are treatable conditions. If you know someone who is struggling, they don’t have to suffer in silence. Google mental health treatment near me or addiction treatment near me to find a local resource. Tell the person they do not have to be ashamed, this is something that can be resolved.
  2. Drugs and Alcohol. Some drugs and alcohol generally act as depressants. If the person saying they are suicidal or depressed is a regular user, getting help for addiction and alcohol use can change depression and suicidal ideation.
  3. Take threats seriously. If someone you know says they are suicidal, contact your local non-emergency line and have the professionals assess them. Other resources can be found here.
  4. Listen and share. Listen to the person who is saying they are suicidal, share your feelings and let the person know that you care about them and are willing to walk with them as they get help.
  5. Get outside. If someone is claiming they are depressed or have had suicidal urges in the past, fresh air and exercise can quickly change their outlook.
  6. Weapons. If you have weapons in the house, they should be removed immediately. Suicide by firearm is the main method of suicide in the America.

At The Redpoint Center we know that suicide and addiction or alcohol abuse go hand in hand. Our staff are professional trained to handle mental health crisis’s, substance use and abuse, and suicidal ideation. We specialize in working with teens, young adults, and adults who struggle with these co-occurring conditions.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, depression, or substance problems, call us at (888) 509-3153 to speak with a highly trained admissions coordinator. If our services don’t fit, we will personally help you find resources that do.

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Thinking About Rehab

By Addiction, Therapy, Treatment

If you have started thinking about going to addiction treatment or alcohol treatment, you have begun a journey that is often very difficult, and you will likely waver back and forth. We know that taking this step is the start of a wonderful new life and only those who are brave and committed will see it through. Below are some tips from those who have considered this step in their life.

When thinking about drug rehab or alcohol rehab it is important to first understand what the options are that exist. Below is the basic continuum of care provided for substance abuse treatment, if you or someone you know is thinking about rehab, the first step is to speak to someone who can assess you for which level of care is the best fit (note, there does exist other types of treatment, but below are the ASAM levels of care):

  • Detoxification, otherwise known as detox:
    • Detox is usually a 3-7 day medical process that can be done in a hospital setting or in a house setting.
    • Detox is always overseen by a licensed medical doctor and registered nurses.
    • Detox is designed to help someone become physically free and clear of the drugs and/or alcohol.
    • Detox generally will have some type of group therapy and case management designed to help figure out next steps and aftercare.
  • RTC or Primary Residential Treatment:
    • RTC is the general type of rehab we think of when we think of treatment.
    • RTC usually lasts between 30 and 90 days.
    • Generally RTC has a medical provider onsite and includes group and individual therapy.
    • RTC is designed to continue stabilizing, educating and preparing the person for aftercare.
    • RTC can include many holistic therapies such as equine, yoga, nutrition, etc.
    • Although the majority of Americans believe that RTC is the main type of treatment, there is no evidence anywhere that 30 days of treatment can fix or solve what for most people is a multi-year, sometimes multi-decade condition.
  • PHP (Partial Hospitalization Program) or Day Treatment:
    • PHP Is generally the next stepdown level from RTC and it includes a person living at home and attending 5 days per week, 5 hours per day or outpatient treatment.
    • PHP includes medical services, case management, group therapy and individual addiction therapy.
    • This can be done for those that cannot leave their job or home for 30-90 days.
    • This also can be done as a stepdown for those coming from RTC and re-integrating.
    • PHP Generally last 2-4 weeks.
  • IOP (Intensive Outpatient):
    • IOP consists of 3 days per week for 3 hours per day.
    • This level of care can be completed for most without having to sacrifice their jobs or families.
    • IOP generally can be found both mornings and evenings.
    • IOP can be completed at a rate of 5 days per week in certain situations.
    • IOP generally includes individual therapy, group therapy, case management and urine drug testing.
    • IOP generally lasts a minimum of 90 days.
    • IOP generally does not include medical or nursing services.
  • OP (Outpatient):
    • Outpatient care can be anything that is less than 9 hours (IOP) level of care.
    • OP generally consists of 1-2 group therapy sessions, ongoing urine drug testing, case management and individual therapy.

At The Redpoint Center, located in Longmont Colorado, we believe that people come to us needing specific treatment planning and services for their lives. Although we offer “PHP” and “IOP” levels of care, we believe that we are much more than an IOP. During treatment with us each participant will receive the above outlined PHP/IOP services as well as individualized nutrition, fitness, recovery coaching, family and medical services. We believe that as each person comes with unique needs, creating a compelling vision for each person’s future begins with individualized, high quality, recovery-oriented services.
If you or someone you know is thinking about rehab in Colorado or drug rehab near me, or anywhere in the country, call us at (888) 509-3153 to speak with a highly trained admissions coordinator. If our services don’t fit, we will personally help you find resources that do.

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Speaking at an Opioid and Drug Summit

By Treatment

This month I had the privilege of speaking at the Mississippi Opioid and Drug Summit in Madison, MS.  I had never been to Mississippi nor had I ever gotten the opportunity to speak in such a format, so I really didn’t know what to expect.  What kind of crowd does a “Opioid and Drug Summit” draw in Mississippi, who shows up to this kind of thing and what brings them in the door?  Upon arriving to the Baptist church that the summit was being held in, I discovered that there was indeed a vast array of attendees; from government officials, to the medical community, treatment providers and a slew of weary parents and loved ones looking for some direction.

What struck me most by the diversity in the summit’s attendees, was that it actually served as an accurate sample of whom this epidemic is touching, nation-wide.  I cannot think of a single faction that remains unaffected, nor can I successfully imagine a branch of government that has not been directly impacted by this epidemic.

There has been much talk about the CDC statistics, and the mortality rate associated with the opioid epidemic, methods of treatment and the de-stigmatization of the problem itself.  These are all incredibly valuable conversations to have and we should continue to expound on each of them; yet as I reflect on my time in Mississippi I am compelled to spend a little time talking about the reach of this issue.

When I was growing up, the picture I held in my mind of a “drug addict”, was a homeless man panhandling for change to finance his next fix, or the celebrity that was making headlines in their sensationalized fall from grace.  And it wasn’t until I myself, descended into active addiction that these stereotypes were so ironically dismantled.  It is hard to say if this was an actual shift in our culture, or if it was a cruel joke as I became the thing that I swore I would never become.

I sustained a serious injury in 2008, that subsequently swept me up in the flood of Oxycontin that our country was drowning under at the time.  This was like kerosene on an already steady flame for me, considering my genetic and personality predispositions to drug abuse and dependency; and I spent the next several years grappling with a force I was not prepared to face.

It was not until I found recovery for myself that I began to understand that I was part of a problem much larger than my own.  Over the years my viewpoint has shifted from micro to macro as it relates to this issue, and naturally, I have shifted from focusing on personal experiences to asking myself how I can show up for those that were still sick.

In my personal and professional life, I have had the opportunity to reach hundreds of addicts that were either new to or have not yet found recovery.  And as a result of this, I am no stranger to the scope of impact that this issue has had on our country.  But while I was at the Mississippi Opioid and Drug Summit, I guess I was put on my heels a little bit; mostly in seeing the parents and loved ones taking notes in the seminars and hanging on to every word, desperately seeking answers on behalf of their loved one that brought them to a gathering such as this.

It’s easy as a treatment professional, to get caught up in treatment methodology, staff relations, billing and business development.  It’s easy to just show up for another day of “work” and to insulate yourself from the gravity of what it is we are actually doing.  I am grateful for these moments of clarity, and to have been given the opportunity to speak at the Opioid and Drug Summit; to again, reach out and touch the painful reality of what we are facing as a country has afforded me a renewed invigoration as we band together and show up another day, for one person at a time.

One life at a time, one day at a time.

As always, if you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse or mental health related issues, please don’t hesitate to call us at (888) 509-3153. We are here, ‘round the clock, and happy to take your call.

I wish you peace and clarity,


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About the Author

Taylor Gibler brings a diverse skill set to Redpoint Center’s team, hailing from a background in the non-profit sector, marketing/brand development, and in behavioral health intervention. Taylor’s professional pursuits were born out of a sincere desire to help marginalized groups and at-risk populations. In his early 20s, Taylor joined a Honolulu based non-profit, that used surfing as a way bring a positive force into difficult situations. Taylor has been apprenticing under one of the most highly sought-after interventionists in the country and has been formally trained and certified in multiple modalities of intervention; maintaining and growing in his ability to help guide people to a path to recovery.

Longmont Drug Rehab Addiction Recovery Help

Longmont Drug Rehab

By Addiction, Therapy, Treatment

If you are seeking help for a loved one in Longmont, CO we know how challenging it can be to find the right drug rehab for yourself or your loved one. At The Redpoint Center, we compassionately employ holistic drug treatment methods and an entirely comprehensive approach in treating each individual in our program.

We know that the decision can be difficult and that searching the internet for the right program can sometimes make it more confusing. In light of this, allow us to clarify some things as this is no longer an issue that we can ignore.

The research tells us that only 1 in 10 Americans with a drug addiction will receive treatment.[1] Furthermore, we know that addiction to all drugs including heroin, methamphetamine, prescription medications, marijuana, benzodiazepines, and many others are on the rise in Longmont Colorado. [2]

In response to these growing numbers, Boulder County has created the Boulder County Opioid Advisory Committee to specifically address these issues in our county. [3] Included in the Opioid Advisory Committee is public education, drug abuse prevention, opening access to addiction treatment and mobilizing the county’s resources. Noted in the Opioid Advisory Committee, Longmont, CO has the highest rate of Prescription Opioid related deaths. [4]

In response to this issue that is plaguing our community, The Redpoint Center was founded.  Our founder, Cody Gardner was born in Longmont and is raising his family in Boulder County, and felt it necessary to give this community a valuable resource for those struggling.

At the Redpoint Center we believe that early detection, intervention and comprehensive addiction treatment are all part of solving the problem of addiction in Colorado. At our Drug Rehab, we will use a client-centered, evidence-based approach where each participant will be comprehensively assessed to determine the proper level of care. Following assessment each participant will create an individualized treatment plan specific to their needs. This treatment plan will identify trauma, therapeutic goals, medication management, practical recovery skills and many other therapeutic tools to help each person to find lasting recovery.

If someone you know is abusing drugs, alcohol, or prescription medications and are seeking drug rehab in Longmont or Boulder County, we encourage you to call our admissions line today to speak with someone who can help. If you are unsure of what the signs of addiction are, we have placed a list below. We are here to help.

The signs of drug use and addiction can vary depending on the person and the drug, but some common signs are:

  • impaired speech and motor coordination
  • bloodshot eyes or pupils that are larger or smaller than usual
  • changes in physical appearance or personal hygiene
  • changes in appetite or sleep patterns
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • unusual smells on breath, body, or clothing
  • changes in mood or disinterest in engaging in relationships or activities

If a person is compulsively seeking and using a drug(s) despite negative consequences, such as loss of job, debt, family problems, or physical problems brought on by drug use, then he or she is probably addicted. And while people who are addicted may believe they can stop any time, most often they cannot and need professional help to quit. Support from friends and family can be critical in getting people into treatment and helping them to stay drug-free following treatment. [5]










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Our Team for Drug Addiction Recovery

By Addiction, Mental Health, Therapy, Treatment

Our team at The Redpoint Center is diverse in practice and unified in purpose.

Because each of our clients is unique and will respond to their treatment as such, the team at The Redpoint Center offers multidisciplinary therapeutic interventions, each designed to meet and to heal individuals in a way that yields lasting change.

The Redpoint Center was created with a vision. A vision to help those struggling with substance use disorder to find long term recovery. I believe that each person caught in this epidemic deserves access to high quality, trauma informed, recovery oriented care. The days of being stigmatized need to come to an end and this country can stand up and proclaim that each person is valuable and should be given the opportunity to recover.

We are a handpicked team of dedicated individuals who have never hesitated to pick up the phone in the middle of the night for someone who is struggling. A group of people who have demonstrated the highest level of ethical compass and endeavor each day to help each person who walks through our doors.

The Redpoint Center is an outpatient substance abuse treatment facility that seeks to empower its clients to live meaningful lives of Community, Purpose, Recovery. Our team of licensed professionals understands the complex challenges associated with starting anew, and collectively provide a diverse set of tools to safely navigate those challenges.

Our goal is to foster healing through the cultivation of practical recovery skills, the addressing and healing of past-trauma, and by building a strong community around each of our clients.

If you have questions about The Redpoint Center’s program or would like to speak with an Admissions Coordinator, please don’t hesitate to call (888) 509-3153.


Slide Addiction Recovery Facility The Redpoint Center

About Longmont’s New Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Center

By Treatment

The Redpoint Center is a drug rehabilitation center located in Longmont, Colorado. During the center’s inception phase, it was universally agreed upon that our therapeutic services should be accessible to anyone that was willing to show up and engage in the work. Many treatment centers that offer high-caliber clinical programming are far removed from the reaches of society, requiring their clients jeopardize their personal and professional lives in order to receive help. We do not believe that this has to be the case. Centrally located, our treatment space offers a discrete, safe and comfortable environment for our clients to begin their recovery process without having to completely abandon their lives at home and in the workplace.

Redpoint is a climbing term that means an ascent completed by a climber, without falling or resting on the rope, after a failed attempt. It’s an accomplishment after the climber spends time learning and practicing the route, asking for help.

We invite you to call, to set up a time to tour our facilities and meet our staff.

If you have questions about The Redpoint Center’s program or would like to speak with an Admissions Coordinator, please don’t hesitate to call (888) 509-3153.


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The Redpoint Center
1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H
Longmont, CO 80501

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