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Creating a New Sober Routine in Recovery

Creating a New Sober Routine in Recovery

By Treatment

Committing to sobriety involves creating an entirely new sober routine, with dedicated outpatient programs being an instrumental resource in creating this effective approach to sustained sobriety. The Redpoint Center in Glenwood Springs helps individuals adopt new strategies to quell persistent urges and cravings in recovery while developing a new lifestyle that aligns with sober goals. 

Importance of a New Sober Routine

While the desire to cease the use of substances and pursue a sober life is noble, it is also difficult. There are many facets of daily life that may have been affected by the use of these addictive substances. Distancing oneself from addictive substances as well as the lifestyles that enabled their use is vital for a successful recovery journey. 

Identify How Substances Impacted Daily Life

For some, the use of drugs or alcohol may be inherently ingrained into their daily life, with schedules, structures, and habits developed around opportunities for their daily use. Others may have normalized the use of these substances into daily routines to where continuing to navigate them can birth urges, cravings, and other challenges as an individual feels compelled to reengage with drugs or alcohol. 

Identify and Avoid Triggering People and Places

Frequenting spaces or engaging in activities that used to be tied to the use of drugs or alcohol can lead to many challenges, even if no substances are being used at that moment. Developing an entirely new sober routine in recovery can help an individual both continue to prioritize their sobriety and avoid unnecessary triggers or risks or relapse. 

Creating Your Best Sober Routine

There is no one, single way to create a new routine in sobriety. However, making a dedicated effort to embrace change in daily life is necessary. No two people will necessarily make the same changes or approach their new sober lives in the same way. 

Personalizing each approach, along with the professional guidance and support available at Redpoint, can empower each individual to develop their own sober routines at home while continuing to engage in effective outpatient treatment. 

Setting a Schedule

Each person’s time in a dedicated treatment program can feel tightly regimented, with dedicated start and end times and a very structured schedule throughout the day. However, this is an important recovery scaffolding, ensuring that each individual always has something to do to avoid boredom while exposing those overcoming the use of drugs or alcohol to new activities and hobbies that are devoid of any previous connotations. 

Having a rigid morning alarm, hygiene routine, mealtimes, dedicated time for self-care and therapeutic activities, and time to tend to personal goals and ambitions are all important. Keeping a tangible and clear schedule can help those in recovery set a new normal for their sober routine and distance themselves from past lives, behaviors, and expectations. 

Avoiding Unexpected Stresses

The recovery journey is already wrought with stresses and challenges, and avoiding as many unnecessary additions to these hurdles is paramount for maintaining a healthy emotional state in sobriety. Taking time to sit with Redpoint’s professionals and peers to create a sober routine can help those in recovery plan ahead and know what to expect, as well as what is expected of them. 

Peers navigating their own sobriety and Redpoint’s professionals who have managed their own sober journeys themselves are important resources for educating those developing a new routine about particular or commonly unexpected stresses. This can empower those in recovery to develop more personalized approaches to daily life, have space plans or supports ready, and add a degree of agency to daily life in sobriety. 

Take Time for Self-Care

Self-care is an important part of a sober life. Approaching self-care not as simple hobbies or relaxation but as a core and necessary part of recovery is an important shift in perspective. Having time to detach from stress, engaging in personal interests, and more is all necessary to continue reinforcing each individual’s sober decisions. 

Dedicated times each day can ensure that each person is making the most of their self-care opportunities. Even otherwise innocuous activities like reading a book, watching a favorite TV show, and more can all be powerful recovery tools for processing stress. Scheduling self-care opportunities in a daily routine can ensure their efficacy and help each person avoid unnecessary stress, risks, and burnout. 

Use What Works

Each person will have their own best practices in recovery. The Redpoint Center prides itself on taking a malleable approach to each recovery program, personalizing activities and approaches to the needs of an individual to create a robust approach to sobriety. 

Outpatient treatment can be the first and most important resource for developing a new sober routine. Not only can scheduling activities around outpatient programs provide a necessary degree of structure, but Redpoint’s outpatient treatment programs are also designed to introduce each person to activities that can be used both inside and outside of the treatment facility. From yoga and meditation practices to experiential therapies, transposing what works during outpatient treatment at Redpoint and making use of it at home can be instrumental. 

Dedicated recovery efforts are more than the cessation of addictive substances; they are instead the development of a new life and identity. Developing a new sober routine can help each person distance themselves from past stresses while celebrating their sober future. We at Redpoint are committed to this kind of transformational recovery. Our comprehensive outpatient treatment programs are designed to help you not only embrace new skills, perspectives, and opportunities but also to empower you to utilize these skills outside of our facilities to further facilitate a healthy and successful sober life. We also embrace a myriad of various proven therapies to provide the most comprehensive and personalized approach to sobriety. For more information, call us at (303) 710-8496.

What To Do If You Find Hidden Drugs at Home

What to Do if You Find Hidden Drugs at Home

By Treatment

Coming across hidden drugs at home is an incredibly difficult and emotional time. It is normal to want to jump right in and confront the suspected owner about the drugs to take immediate action. However, finding hidden drugs is also a very delicate time, and approaching the situation with the right intentions, mindset, and strategies is paramount. 

Finding hidden drugs necessitates the need for healing and treatment, and The Redpoint Center can help each person not only overcome the use of drugs but also help families and loved ones through the difficult time of finding hidden drugs at home. 

Finding Hidden Drugs

Upon finding hidden drugs, it can birth a host of challenging emotions. Such emotions might include: 

  • Anger 
  • Resentment 
  • Self-blame 
  • Frustration 
  • Sadness
  • Worry 

Remember, this discovery can be the catalyst for change if approached with intention. The guidance of Redpoint can provide families with the right strategies to empower a loved one to pursue healing.

Assess the Situation Before Making Assumptions

It is common to make assumptions or jump to conclusions when finding hidden drugs. However, it is still important to have an honest conversation. Making assumptions about drugs based only on where or when the drugs were found can lead to incorrect conclusions. 

For example, finding drugs in a common space, like the living room or kitchen, and assuming that it must be a person’s child can make communication difficult. Rather, looking for other signs of drug use is crucial before having an effective conversation about drug use. 

Some other signs of drug use that can further inform the situation when finding hidden drugs could include:

  • Isolated lifestyles, such as disconnecting from family, spending time in their room or other private space such as a garage or workspace
  • Changes in daily routine
  • Increased feelings of anxiety or depression
  • Adopting a secretive lifestyle, such as going out without telling others, returning at odd times, locking doors, and more
  • Sudden changes in social groups, either with new friends from school, work, or other hangouts
  • Inability to tend to responsibilities, such as homework, professional responsibilities, household chores, or other domestic obligations
  • Sudden changes in finances, such as not having money for necessities or money going “missing”

Explore other evidence of drug use: Identifying symptoms of immediate use, knowing of exact times or situations that were influenced by drugs, and asking why responsibilities or finances have been compromised can all be powerful approaches to a conversation about drugs without making preemptive assumptions. 

Get the Whole Picture

Unfortunately, discussing drug use with a child, spouse, or family member will always be difficult. Having the most complete picture possible is necessary. This may mean looking for drugs that may be hidden in other places. 

Keeping drugs in personal locations behind locked doors or other places where others would not frequent, such as a personal office, personal car, inside personal items, and more, are all common. 

However, invading personal space can birth further resentment, and having a conversation and providing loved ones with an opportunity to provide the whole picture is necessary.

Keep It a Conversation

While confronting a loved one about hidden drugs is difficult, it is important to keep it a conversation. Staying calm is necessary for being able to fairly assess the situation and handle the difficult conversation ahead. Taking a deep breath, holding, counting, and more are all powerful strategies to ensure that other effective strategies can be fairly employed. 

Reminding a loved one that they have love and support can help them open up and speak their side of the story, ask questions themselves, and create an honest dialogue. While lying can be common to hide drug use, using evidence collected can help loved ones confront their own use of drugs rather than feel as if it is an accusation. 

Ask the Right Questions

Asking the right questions is also paramount. Some powerful questions can be:

  • Why do you feel the need to use drugs?
  • How much money do you spend on drugs exactly?
  • Do you feel accepted because of drug use or in spite of it?
  • Have you questioned your own use before?

Each of these prompts loved ones to consider their own relationship with drugs rather than facilitate an argument. 

Engaging in Treamtent

Dedicated outpatient treatment is paramount for challenging drug use while rebuilding familial relationships with a child, spouse, or other family member. Redpoint helps to educate families to learn about and manage addiction together. 

The Redpoint Center’s outpatient treatment programs create an environment where clients and their families feel empowered to recognize the need for change. Remember, addiction is a disease, and it will take patience from families to work through the process of confronting and managing addiction together.

Finding hidden drugs at home presents an incredibly difficult situation, and families and loved ones must address the situation together to create an effective plan for sobriety. At Redpoint, we understand the importance of not just personal healing but also familial healing to create a genuinely effective and comprehensive approach to sobriety. Finding hidden drugs can be the catalyst for change, and our use of proven therapeutic modalities, life skills, experiential therapies, and more can all be combined to address the use of drugs and their impact on individuals and families alike. For more information on how we can support you and your family throughout the healing journey, call to speak to us today at (303) 710-8496.

Professional Treatment for Overcoming AUD at Redpoint

Professional Treatment for Overcoming AUD at Redpoint

By Treatment

Addressing and overcoming the use of alcohol or alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a complicated task, and each person will have their own unique journey. Informed by personal needs, experiences, perspectives, social groups, and more, there is no one, single journey to sobriety, or just one “right” way to engage in professional treatment. At Redpoint, we embrace a highly varied and personalized approach to professional treatment, ensuring that each individual receives an approach to recovery and sobriety that best resonates with them. We also instill a variety of skills and perspectives for sustained healing throughout our dedicated outpatient programs and beyond. 

Finding Your Best Programs

Professional treatment for overcoming AUD takes many forms, and Redpoint is committed to not just helping each individual find the approach that works best for them, but also continuing to adjust and customize each program throughout the process to ensure continued efficacy in recovery. Redpoint’s use of dedicated outpatient programs is designed to not only provide effective and proven approaches to overcoming the use of alcohol but also empower those in recovery to continue living their own lives and tending to personal and professional responsibilities.

Each program with Redpoint is filled with proven therapeutic modalities and personal support, with many professionals having navigated the challenges of recovery themselves. Knowing the options available and how Redpoint is prepared to adjust based on each individual’s progress, needs, and goals can be an empowering feeling for those in recovery that highlights Redpoint’s goal of a sustainable sober future and a culture of healing throughout Colorado. 

Personalizing Professional Treatment

Being able to personalize each individual’s professional treatment plan is crucial for empowering those beginning their recovery journey to approach new sober practices with motivation and confidence, helping them better commit to their own goals in sobriety. Exploring the options available can also help each individual discuss possible strategies and gain a needed sense of agency over their recovery efforts. Effective professional treatment always addresses the individual and their interactions with addictive substances like alcohol and the stresses that surround it, rather than simply addressing the symptoms of AUD alone. 

The Need for Professional Treatment

While professional treatment can be intimidating, it can also be necessary. At-home attempts to overcome alcohol use can be exceptionally difficult, and professionals are necessary to address stresses, develop personalized relapse-prevention strategies, navigate mental health needs, and much more. There is no replacement for professional treatment when overcoming the effects of AUD, and Redpoint is prepared to help each person engage in personalized treatment while still living their best lives outside of the treatment facility. These programs are designed to provide the necessary tools an individual needs to manage the challenges of addiction and everyday life. They will also help build a support network for an individual to work with well into their recovery. 

Individual and Group Therapy

Both individual and group therapy play important roles in overcoming AUD. At Redpoint, these approaches are blended to ensure that each person is given the opportunity to discuss vulnerable topics in a safe space. These options are great for embracing a more educated stance on a person’s own recovery journey. They are also excellent for finding new social groups, creating new connections, and engaging in a community of healing for their own personal motivation and commitment to continued sobriety. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

According to Lancet Psychiatry, “It is recommended that MAT, often in combination with a behavioral intervention, be offered to patients with a clinical indication (e.g., a positive screening test or relevant physical symptoms) of AUD.” However, according to the same study, “Despite the availability of medications with demonstrated efficacy for treating AUD, they are widely underutilized. MAT is prescribed to less than 9% of patients who are likely to benefit from them.” 

The philosophy at Redpoint believes that effective treatment of AUD often requires MAT and therapy. Therefore, using medication to address unique challenges like anxiety, depression, withdrawal symptoms, and more can all be instrumental in providing this additional support in sobriety and would not be available through at-home recovery efforts. 

Professional Treatment for Healing the Whole Self

Addiction affects every facet of daily life. Understanding how a person’s use of alcohol impacts their thoughts and behaviors is a crucial part of exploring a new and sustainable sober life. Redpoint utilizes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to explore these connections, helping each person better understand how the use of alcohol informs other mentalities, ideas, and needs in recovery. Engaging in effective CBT practices at Redpoint can also reveal additional needs or empower those in recovery to recognize new parts of themselves to address for an effective professional recovery. Physical, emotional, and spiritual healing are all part of an effective recovery journey.


There is no replacement for dedicated and effective professional treatment to overcome alcohol use disorder (AUD). We at Redpoint are prepared to help you engage in the needed treatment necessary for a transformed future. Our commitment to sobriety blends into our curated culture of healing and acceptance at multiple locations across Colorado, from Longmont and Fort Collins to Glenwood Springs. We use proven therapeutic strategies with a community of peers and professionals, each of which is continuing to navigate their own continued sobriety to create a holistic and understanding approach to an alcohol-free life. For more information on how our outpatient treatment programs can benefit your sober goals, call to speak to us today at (303) 710-8496.

Taking the First Step into Alcohol Treatment

Taking the First Step Into Alcohol Treatment

By Treatment

Overcoming alcohol use and taking the first step into a dedicated alcohol treatment program is a massive time of change. It is normal to have a mix of anxieties and reservations about alcohol treatment and the journey ahead. However, effective outpatient alcohol treatment can be the catalyst for developing healthy change while providing the skills and opportunities necessary to facilitate a transformative approach to a new life. 

Navigating these initial changes and knowing what to expect during the first step into outpatient alcohol treatment can empower those considering beginning their sober journey. The Redpoint Center provides professional support to ensure that clients are getting the foundational resources necessary to make the most of treatment programs. 

Being Ready For Treatment

Knowing it is the right time for treatment is a combination of factors. While commitment is important, it is also vital to know who the treatment is necessary for. 

Multiple aspects of an individual’s life are often impacted by addiction. When work, home, or social lives begin to have a negative impact, it is a sign that an individual’s substance use is a problem. While social drinking is common, addiction is very different. It can decrease productivity at work, negatively impact relationships, and make it hard to function daily. 

Due to the physical dependence on addiction, there are signs to look for. For example, those with addiction may find it challenging or impossible to abstain from substances. Moreover, lying is common during addiction. Additional signs could include:

  • Impaired speech or thinking 
  • Blackouts
  • Inability to stop drinking even after it causes relationship or health issues
  • Excessive drinking
  • Mood swings 
  • Unusual aggression, anger, violence, or irritation 

Recognize There Is a Problem

Treatment is a big step. However, it starts with the initial process of recognizing there is a problem. Addiction is a serious disease that requires professional help. Getting treatment not only helps to detox from physical addiction but also helps an individual make behavioral changes that impact their use of substances. 

Being ready for treatment means that an individual understands the need for it. It is ok to not feel completely prepared. In fact, this is common. Due to the fact that treatment requires an individual to make substantial changes, they are unlikely to know and feel ready for it. Making changes is difficult; it means learning and behaving in ways one is not accustomed to. 

Why Commitment Is Important?

Researchers have found that those who commit to change are more likely to change.  Therefore, the practice of commitment is very valuable. This practice includes thinking about what an individual wants to change, how they want to change it, and taking note of their commitment. Committing often includes writing it down or speaking to others about our plans to change. 

Using the Intake Assessment

Upon arriving at a dedicated treatment facility, there is typically an intake assessment. The intake assessment can be intimidating for those just beginning their healing journey. Discussing the feelings associated with the use of alcohol can be difficult. For some, feelings of shame, guilt, and regret can be palpable, and it is completely normal to want to avoid discussing vulnerable topics. 

The professionals at The Redpoint Center are committed to creating a safe space to explore these challenges. It is important to approach this assessment with honesty. 

Judgment Free

These assessments are not meant to judge any individual but rather ensure that the outpatient program and services offered align with each individual’s needs. This time is meant to help professionals and those pursuing treatment alike create the most effective personalized outpatient treatment program. 

Comprehensive Assessment of Health History

Likewise, these assessments will explore an individual’s life beyond the direct use of alcohol, addressing the other factors that may inform a person’s use. Discussing anxiety, depression, or the prevalence of other mental health needs, and any past traumas that may inform an individual’s engagement with alcohol, is all part of this process to ensure that Redpoint and the professionals at our Glenwood location are prepared to create the most effective treatment plan possible. 

Redpoint’s Holistic Approach to Alcohol Treatment

An individual will have opportunities to engage with new ideas, hobbies, or outlets from their very first step into treatment. Having an open mind about new hobbies or self-care strategies can ensure that each individual is beginning their healing journey from AUD with the most opportunities possible to address alcohol in an effective, comprehensive manner. 

Engaging in experiential therapies, trying new outlets (like meditation, yoga, or other therapeutic options), and more can scaffold these practices outside the walls of a treatment facility, with the impact and healing of Redpoint continuing to make a difference at home for a truly transformative life. 

At The Redpoint Center, treatment will help clients develop the tools necessary to begin their sober journey.  

Taking the first step into a dedicated alcohol treatment program can be difficult, but we at The Redpoint Center are ready to help you not only begin your own journey to sobriety but also develop the skills and strategies to continue tending to daily life through our effective outpatient treatment programs. We have multiple locations throughout Colorado to help you find your own recovery community that can facilitate the most effective and personalized change. We are prepared to help you explore all of your options for overcoming alcohol use. To learn more about how we can help you take this first step, call to speak to us today at (303) 710-8496.

Exploring the Benefits of Psychodrama in Recovery

Exploring the Benefits of Psychodrama in Recovery

By Treatment

Each individual will have their own best practices when it comes to managing sobriety in daily life. Empowering each individual to explore how they can make the most of their outpatient treatment programs at Redpoint can lead to the most effective and sustainable practices. There are always new opportunities and therapeutic options to explore, with psychodrama being one of these proven options. Psychodrama can be instrumental in creating a transformed future and further personalizing each recovery journey. Understanding psychodrama in recovery and how it looks in practice can help those in outpatient treatment develop an effective approach to using it in their own recovery journey. 

The Role of Psychodrama in Recovery

Overcoming addiction is complicated, with many intense emotions and stresses impacting an individual on a daily basis. Anxiety, depression, guilt, doubt, and more are all incredibly common. These emotions, coupled with any personal traumatic memories, can be incredibly difficult to process. It is common to push down these feelings due to such emotional discomfort. Psychodrama is a therapeutic modality about developing an atmosphere that empowers those in recovery to create a space to confront difficult feelings while working with professionals and peers to explore their impact on each person’s mental health. Exploring dialogues, vocalizing thoughts and responses, and moving and interacting with peers can all facilitate this healing. 

Confronting past traumas or emotional challenges in sobriety is paramount, not only so they can be safely expressed in recovery, but also to empower those in recovery from the use of drugs or alcohol to find new ways to communicate and address these alongside professionals, peers, and supports. Some of the most important benefits of psychodrama in recovery include:

  • Processing and overcoming grief
  • Building social skills, communication skills, and new relationships
  • Developing new perspectives or ways of thinking
  • Building newfound self-confidence
  • Embracing new life skills

However, it is still common to have reservations about committing to psychodrama in recovery. Knowing what to expect in psychodrama can help quell these reservations and promote the most open approach to benefitting from its healing potential. 

Understanding Psychodrama in Practice

Psychodrama is a therapeutic modality where practitioners act out scenes or memories from their past or engage in role-play to explore stressful situations. This approach to recovery is a proven and effective approach to treatment that can be instrumental in confronting and overcoming mental health disorders, stress, trauma, urges, cravings, and other challenges commonplace throughout recovery. 

Psychodrama can bolster effective communication skills and facilitate the best possible way to connect with others in sobriety. Members of a group are often tasked with not only talking to each other but even stepping into each others’ shoes and experiences to gain new perspectives. For some, this can illuminate how their actions may have impacted others across various situations, creating clearer ideas of how to address these relationships in sobriety, pursue forgiveness, and more. 

Acting out memories can also help those overcoming grief better create a realistic understanding of how traumatic events played out. This can help each individual internalize the reality of the situation, challenging feelings of guilt, self-blame, and beginning the process of reconciling with past events.

Lastly, acting out feelings, thoughts, or self-destructive behaviors can allow those in recovery to better understand how their own thoughts and behaviors may be impacted throughout recovery and sobriety. Each individual can be more honest with themselves about how to address situations, identify when unhealthy or unrealistic thinking patterns may be occurring, and create a healthier mindset to navigate the challenges of sobriety. 

Some may also engage in role reversal, trading placing with another to act out situations and better understand how another may have felt, or add a new perspective on why an individual may have reacted in a certain way. This level of understanding can further inform a person’s future actions to best align with their sober goals and emotional needs.

Preparing for Stresses in Outpatient Treatment

While psychodrama is incredibly effective for processing and overcoming past experiences while embracing new perspectives, it can also be used to facilitate further resilience growth in outpatient treatment. Acting out potential high-risk situations to practice how to handle these situations can be a powerful way to prepare for the inevitable stresses of life in sobriety. Others can use these spaces to explore how to best communicate with their own supports, verbalize emotions, or even use their bodies and body language to better communicate with supports. 

Using Psychodrama in Recovery

Psychodrama can be instrumental in either overcoming a person’s past or preparing for their recovery journey. The new perspectives and strategies instilled throughout the effective use of psychodrama in recovery and outpatient treatment can empower those in recovery to better embrace change while developing an honest and supportive community of peers. While exploring a degree of vulnerability is necessary to make the most of psychodrama in recovery, working alongside peers to address these feelings can create the best possible path to healing, introduce an individual to new perspectives, and help those in recovery explore effective practices to challenge unhealthy mindsets, thoughts, and avoid potentially self-destructive behaviors. 

Psychodrama is an effective and powerful approach to addressing not just each individual’s journey with addiction and recovery, but also the stresses, traumas, and challenges that inform your continued journey of overcoming guilt and mental health disorders. At Redpoint, we are equipped to address not just the immediate effects of addiction, but also mental health disorders, all working in tandem for a truly transformative and holistic approach to healing and sobriety. Our intimate communities of healing across multiple locations throughout Colorado are committed to helping you find your best practices, with psychodrama being just one of a myriad of options available to you. For more information on how we can support your sober transformation, call us today at (303) 710-8496.

Understanding and Overcoming Alcohol-Induced Psychosis

Understanding and Overcoming Alcohol-Induced Psychosis

By Treatment

Alcohol use and alcohol use disorder (AUD) can have many profound effects on a person’s physical and mental health. However, prolonged and excessive use of alcohol can also have a myriad of lingering effects on daily life. Alcohol-induced psychosis is one of these profound impacts, and understanding its signs and symptoms is necessary to pursue the necessary treatment. Redpoint is committed to reaching each person where they are in their recovery journey, and preparing to develop a plan and overcome alcohol-induced psychosis is part of this journey. While difficult, there are always options to explore to address alcohol-induced psychosis and take the first step toward a healthy, sober life. 

Understanding Alcohol-Induced Psychosis

Alcohol-induced psychosis is an intense and difficult situation to overcome, with intense effects that demand professional attention. While not everyone who engages with alcohol will necessarily experience the effects of alcohol-induced psychosis, it can be a risk for those who not only engage with alcohol at excessive levels, such as with binge drinking, but also those who frequently engage with the substance multiple times a week, or even daily. 

However, attitudes and acceptance around alcohol use can leave some people unprepared to cope with the possibility of alcohol-induced psychosis. Because alcohol is a legal substance, many may perceive it to be somehow a “safer” option to illicit drugs. However, this comparison does not mean that an individual is immune to alcohol’s destructive effects, and many may not moderate their use of alcohol or be able to identify when their use of the substance has developed into an addiction, furthering the risks of developing alcohol-induced psychosis.

Alcohol-induced psychosis has intense ramifications on a person’s mental and physical health. For some, the direct use of alcohol can lead to symptoms of alcohol-induced psychosis, while others may experience their symptoms upon the cessation of alcohol use, such as during intense withdrawal symptoms or delirium tremens (DT). No two individuals will necessarily experience alcohol-induced psychosis in the same way, but identifying the potential signs of alcohol-induced psychosis can empower an individual to seek professional treatment quickly for a safe and effective approach to overcoming its intense effects. 

Identifying the Signs of Alcohol-Induced Psychosis

Alcohol-induced psychosis is stressful, whether an individual is experiencing its intense effects themselves or supports are witnessing a loved one expressing its symptoms. Identifying the signs of alcohol-induced psychosis as quickly as possible is necessary for pursuing effective treatment efficiently. Some of its most common symptoms may include:

  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Rapid shifts between bursts of energy and exhaustion
  • Intense hypersensitivity
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations, either visual, olfactory, or auditory

Many of these symptoms may manifest in tandem, creating an incredibly complex and difficult situation to navigate. Changes in perception through hallucinations or a disconnect from reality can cause an individual to react in drastic ways while experiencing alcohol-induced psychosis, making dedicated, educated, and professional treatment absolutely necessary to address its symptoms. 

Identifying alcohol-induced psychosis can be difficult, especially if an individual has a history of mental health disorders that may manifest with their own symptoms. However, alcohol-induced psychosis can be best identified by not only recognizing applicable symptoms, but also their proximity to alcohol use, whether an individual expresses such symptoms immediately after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, or soon after the cessation of such use. 

Treatment at Redpoint

While it is common to want to support and care for loved ones throughout their recovery journey, it is also important to recognize the limitations of personal supports and when professional treatment is necessary to address a situation. Alcohol-induced psychosis can not only be an intense situation on its own, but it can also cause those experiencing it to act irrationally or out of fear rather than considering the consequences of their actions for their safety or the safety of others. Professional care is necessary, not only to help those experiencing these intense symptoms stay safe themselves but also to be available to administer proper medical treatment.

For some, medication may be necessary to address particular symptoms, either to address anxiety, panic, or rapid mood swings to overcome alcohol-induced psychosis. While some may benefit from short-term use of medication, others may need more consistent and chronic support while exploring their relationship with alcohol with professionals. However, medication is not a “quick fix” to alcohol-induced psychosis or the addiction that informed it, and professional detox and continued outpatient treatment programs at Redpoint are essential for navigating its symptoms while beginning the journey to a healthy and sober life. 

Redpoint can support those overcoming addiction to address the use of alcohol and mental health disorders in tandem, creating a comprehensive approach to each individual’s needs and challenges throughout their recovery journey. While alcohol-induced psychosis more commonly affects those with a more storied and heavy history of prolonged alcohol abuse, psychosis can still affect anybody. Professional treatment is necessary for not only addressing its symptoms safely but also preventing an individual from future episodes by promoting continued support in their journey to a life of sobriety. 

Alcohol-induced psychosis can be wholly devastating, and professional care is necessary to not only address its acute symptoms but also prepare an individual for the journey to recovery and sobriety ahead. At Redpoint, we understand the difficult nature of recovery and the need for trained medical support in overcoming alcohol-induced psychosis. We are equipped to not only help you or your loved ones begin your recovery journey, but our multiple locations throughout Colorado, from Longmont to Fort Collins and Glenwood Springs, create a community of mutual healing and sobriety to facilitate a truly transformed future. For more information on how we can personalize your recovery journey with us, or to speak to a caring staff member, call (303) 710-8496.

The Importance of Age-Appropriate Care for Teens

The Importance of Age-Appropriate Care for Teens

By Treatment

Addiction can impact a person of any age, from teenagers to working professionals. However, finding the right approach to recovery for each individual can be difficult. Embracing age-appropriate care for teens can ensure that not only are the unique challenges and stresses teenagers face addressed throughout the recovery process but also that recovery is approached in a way that best resonates with their unique goals in recovery. There is never a single path to recovery, and teen-dedicated care and treatment can ensure that teens are able to make the most of their recovery efforts while continuing to manage their daily lives, identity, and more.

Addiction among teens is incredibly prevalent, with about 46.5% of adolescents having reported using alcohol upon reaching the 12th grade, and 30.5% having reported engaging with marijuana in the same time frame in 2021 alone. However, teens may also be exposed to any number of other substances during this time, including harder drugs like cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, and more.

The Stresses Teens Face

Addiction can be devastating for teenagers, and understanding the unique stresses they must overcome is crucial for creating an effective recovery plan. Academic stresses can be incredibly difficult to navigate, especially with the deluge of expectations, studying, and tests that are constantly looming. Some teens may also be beginning to explore the professional world or feel compelled to make decisions regarding their professional life that may define them for years to come, adding to this stress. Coupled together, it can be incredibly difficult for teens to have the time to relax and let go of these stresses.

However, an even greater influence on the use of drugs or alcohol among teens comes from social pressures. Peer pressure can be incredibly difficult to overcome, with peers not only potentially introducing addictive substances, but also romanticizing or normalizing their use by celebrating the use of these substances while minimizing or avoiding discussing their negative impact. Some other stresses teens may face that could inform the use of drugs or alcohol include:

  • At-home atmospheres, especially if parents are engaged in drugs or alcohol
  • Feelings of neglect
  • A desire to fit in with others
  • Feelings of anxiety, depression, or the beginning signs of mental health disorders
  • Being a victim of bullying
  • Boredom or feelings of stagnation
  • Feelings of low self-esteem
  • Perceived low risk of engaging with such substances

Pursuing recovery for teens is already difficult due to perceived social consequences on top of the challenges innately present in overcoming addiction. Age-appropriate care for teens to ensure that teens get the most appropriate support for their needs is paramount. Dedicated teen programs are instrumental in facilitating the necessary change while managing teenage life.

Embracing Age-Appropriate Care for Teens

Substance use can fundamentally affect a person’s brain, behaviors, and more. However, with teens whose brains will still be developing into their early to mid-20s, exposure to addictive substances can have lasting detrimental effects. Addressing addiction in teens as early as possible is necessary for preventing greater long-term damage. However, helping teens overcome addiction still demands a personalized and dedicated approach. Redpoint’s Longmont location offers a dedicated teen program to address these needs while also continuing to support their daily lives.

Creating a Dedicated Teen Schedule

Being able to tend to teens’ needs for recovery while balancing scholastic endeavors and other responsibilities can be difficult. However, with a dedicated after-school program, teens are encouraged to explore their recovery without compromising others areas of their lives. With regular meetings from 4-6 pm, Redpoint is able to address the needs of teens overcoming their use of drugs or alcohol while supporting the best time-management skills to balance each person’s needs both inside and outside of a recovery facility.

Getting Involved

Teens may also benefit from an active approach to recovery in addressing their personal needs and goals. Using dedicated and proven approaches like psychodrama and play therapy helps teens get wholly involved in their own recovery. Others may benefit from tactile advantages while tending to other goals, such as using games, sculpting, exploring artistic endeavors, and more while asking deeper questions to keep both the mind and body involved throughout their recovery efforts.

Creating Connections

The social component of substance use and recovery is crucial for teens overcoming drug and alcohol use. Creating a community of peers who understand the challenges faced while nurturing a feeling of belonging, acceptance, and a place to explore new hobbies can be invaluable for teens developing a new lifestyle in sobriety. Redpoint offers not just the professional care and education needed to overcome addiction but also cultivates a recovery community dedicated to teens meeting peers and challenging addiction together to overcome feelings of isolation that may affect their attitudes towards addictive substances.

Importance of Age-Appropriate Care for Teens

There is nothing easy about overcoming addiction. Ensuring that teens receive the care that most aligns with their needs and goals is paramount for success in recovery. Engaging in age-appropriate teenage care can be instrumental in exploring the most effective practices and best results for a healthy life ahead.

With the unique challenges that teens face, having age-appropriate care for teens is necessary for the best approach to healing. At Redpoint’s Longmont location, we create a supportive and dedicated atmosphere of healing for teens to address the use of drugs and alcohol while still tending to their own daily lives. We are prepared to help you or your teen with dedicated, proven strategies, all backed by a community of support, caring, and understanding. Between our use of experiential therapies and proven strategies, we can help you create the best approach to helping you get wholly involved in your own sober transformation. For more information on how we can personalize a program for you, call us today at (303) 710-8496.

The Need for Professional Treatment in Overcoming Co-Occurring Disorders

The Need for Professional Treatment in Overcoming Co-Occurring Disorders

By Treatment

There is nothing easy about overcoming addiction of any kind. However, the journey to a healthy and sober life can be complicated by the prevalence of mental health disorders, marking the need for a unique approach to healing and professional treatment. Co-occurring disorders are a common and difficult obstacle to overcome. Being prepared to cope with the continued effects of addiction and mental health disorders while addressing how they continue to inform each other throughout daily life is paramount in creating a truly effective and transformative recovery plan.

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Co-occurring disorders present a unique set of challenges for those navigating their recovery and sobriety. The term “co-occurring disorders” refers to any combination of a substance use disorder (SUD) alongside a mental health disorder. However, this can take many different forms depending on the individual. Some of the ways co-occurring disorders can manifest include:

  • Alcohol use and anxiety
  • Drug use and depression
  • Amphetamines use and bipolar disorder
  • Heroin use and schizophrenia

Any combination of an addictive substance and mental health disorder can constitute a co-occurring disorder. The use of various substances and any kind of mental health disorder, mood disorder, ADHD, and more can all create a unique set of needs and challenges throughout recovery.

How Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use Intersect

Professional treatment is necessary for challenging and overcoming co-occurring disorders of any kind, largely because it can be incredibly difficult to understand and predict how these challenges may continue to inform each other. For some, the prevalence of mental health disorders can cause an individual to turn to addictive substances in an attempt to self-medicate or placate tumultuous emotional states. However, for others, the use of addictive substances may instead birth newfound feelings of anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

Regardless of how they manifest, co-occurring disorders can create a cycle of challenges for those in recovery, often further perpetuating the use of drugs or alcohol and mental health needs themselves.

Overcoming Co-Occurring Disorders

Navigating effective treatment for overcoming co-occurring disorders is complicated. Not only must an individual be prepared to address the continued effects of mental health disorders, but also the challenges of urges, cravings, and more throughout addiction recovery. For many, the use of drugs or alcohol may be their only practiced or familiar coping strategy. Overcoming feelings of anxiety, depression, or other mental health disorders without the use of addictive substances requires exploring new strategies, lifestyles, hobbies, and self-care outlets, all of which are scaffolded in professional treatment programs.

Addressing mental health disorders without acknowledging the detrimental effects of addictive substances can leave addiction continuing to mitigate a person’s efforts for improving their mental health. Likewise, creating strategies to address the use of drugs or alcohol without addressing the role that mental health plays in their use can leave an individual ill-prepared to adopt a genuinely transformed and effective strategy for a healthy life. Only addressing them in tandem is effective for sustained change.

Exploring Professional Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders at Redpoint

Professional care is paramount for not just exploring new strategies but also for understanding and educating oneself about the challenges ahead. Dedicated professionals can help each person overcoming co-occurring disorders create new plans for addressing their mental health needs and addiction recovery needs in tandem. They can also help clients adopt the most effective strategies for continued success outside of the treatment facility. Embracing the benefits of professional treatment is paramount for creating a comprehensive, holistic approach to change while balancing each person’s personal life outside the facility.

The Role of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the cornerstone of many effective recovery journeys and is paramount in challenging both the use of drugs or alcohol and mental health disorders. This form of talk therapy available at Redpoint creates the basis for the personalization of each individual’s recovery journey by challenging a person’s thoughts and unhealthy thought patterns. It also explores each person’s inherent responses to stress while addressing the connection between their thoughts and behaviors in an effort to create new practices that align with a person’s recovery goals.

Mindfulness and Acceptance

Practicing mindfulness empowers those in recovery to become more connected to their own bodies and feelings in the present moment. By acknowledging and accepting challenging feelings, a person can better exercise control and agency over their subsequent actions, whether they are feeling anxious, depressed, or experiencing intense urges and cravings. Exploring effective mindfulness practices with professionals can scaffold the most personalized practices for use outside of a treatment facility throughout outpatient care.

Dedication to Outpatient Programs

A malleable outpatient program schedule can also empower those in recovery from co-occurring disorders to best explore how personal stresses may impact their mental health, use of addictive substances, and more. From exploring the impact of workplace stresses to familial relationships, professionals are necessary to create a better understanding of recovery as a whole rather than attempting to tackle individual symptoms in isolation. Understanding how various stresses, mental health disorders, and substance use all continue to inform each other is necessary for an effective and transformative recovery journey.

Finding the right program and community that best facilitates healing from co-occurring disorders is necessary to truly overcome their unique and personal challenges. No two people will experience co-occurring disorders in the same way, and being able to personalize treatment while ingratiating oneself in a community of healing can provide the best approach to a healthy and changed future.

Professional treatment for overcoming co-occurring disorders is necessary. At Redpoint, we are ready to help you and your loved one address both the use of drugs and alcohol and the mental health disorders that accompany them in our dedicated outpatient programs. With multiple locations across Colorado, from Longmont to Fort Collins and Glenwood Springs, we are committed to supporting the local communities of Colorado in the pursuit of effective, transformative care. Your time with us can be personalized to fit your unique needs and goals, from personalized therapeutic approaches and treatments to introducing you to a community of peers and professionals to form your unique recovery story. For more information, call to speak to us at (303) 710-8496.

Personalized Treatment: Finding Your Best Path to Sobriety

Personalized Treatment: Finding Your Best Path to Sobriety

By Treatment

Each person’s journey with addiction is personal, and there is nobody who better understands the unique challenges that each person faces better than those navigating its effects on a daily basis. However, just as addiction is a personal journey, so, too, should be a person’s recovery efforts. There is no one, single approach to sobriety, and what works for one individual may not be universally as effective. Personalized treatment is necessary for making the most of the transformational potential of professional recovery, creating not just the best approach to overcoming the use of drugs or alcohol, but also embracing the personalized skills necessary for a sustainable sober life.

The Importance of Personalized Treatment

Embracing treatment and recovery as a personal journey is essential for its efficacy. Not all people will necessarily have the same experiences or history with addictive substances, with each person having their own history, relationships, goals, backgrounds, and more. The prevalence of mental health disorders that may also impact an individual also affects a person’s relationship with addictive substances. With so many varying factors, there is never one, single approach that can address all of these different aspects.

Making Recovery Yours

Personalizing each treatment program is necessary. Taking a personalized approach to each person’s needs and strategies, and outlining how they are pertinent to their specific goals in recovery and sobriety, is absolutely necessary. Not only can this ensure that a person is able to focus only on the most pertinent recovery strategies, but personalized treatment programs and practices also help an individual best continue to motivate themselves as they adapt strategies that are specific to their unique needs and goals. Universal or overly generic approaches may not instill the same motivation, and even stunt the development of a person’s unique sober identity in recovery.

Personalizing each and every treatment program based on the individual is intended to put a person in a position to achieve their own personal goals and achieve success in their journey, providing the right skills and strategies for personal progress. As each person’s goals will be different, their programs should be too. This empowering approach for those in recovery can help them continue to explore their personal needs and avoid feeling disconnected from effective recovery practices or communities.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

Even in group treatment or outpatient programs, individualizing treatment programs has a great impact. Personalized treatment programs can allow communities and atmospheres in recovery to develop with these considerations in mind, making the feel of each and every group meeting more personal. Incorporating and sharing a personal journey in recovery can fundamentally change these recovery environments, further ingratiating an individual in these communities and promoting a sense of purpose and belonging in recovery.

Pivoting in Recovery

There can be any number of unforeseen stresses and influences that can impact a person’s recovery journey. A person’s needs, goals, and practices may change as they navigate their developing sober lives. New stresses may manifest, while others may accomplish goals and set new sights. Being able to pivot away from less effective or simply more prevalent strategies to accommodate these changing needs and goals is necessary.

Personalizing recovery does not only include the beginning of a person’s journey. Exploring various options and determining when certain practices may not be as effective for an individual as they may be for others is an important skill, empowering those in recovery to pivot and further their own recovery goals.

Without being open to changing practices, those in recovery can be met with plateaus or barriers that are unnecessarily difficult to overcome. This can even lead to an increase in the chances of relapse if an individual is not personally connecting with their recovery strategies and sober life. Exploring new therapeutic modalities in outpatient treatment, or even changing programs for a new approach to sobriety, may be necessary. Pivoting in recovery can empower each individual to continue looking at their own needs and goals, as well as ensure that there are always more options to expand their skills and perspectives throughout outpatient treatment.

Personalizing Your Recovery at Redpoint

Redpoint champions the opportunity to create a wholly personalized outpatient recovery experience. The variety of programs offered is intended to help those of any age and background, all while creating a unique approach to sobriety for each individual. Curated outpatient options, dedicated adult and teen programs, a variety of options for outpatient meetings to accommodate personal schedules, and various locations across Colorado can all help each individual find the option that s right for them.

From spiritual practices, experiential therapies, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and many other therapeutic modalities, to mental health support and family programming and care, the outpatient programs at Redpoint are designed to be customized to your needs while creating an atmosphere of support and care. There is never just one path to a healthy, sober future, and empowering each individual to find their own sober lifestyle is a hallmark of the transformative potential of our outpatient programs.

Personalized treatment is necessary to make the most of your time in dedicated recovery programs. Redpoint is prepared to help you find your own best path to a healthy future. Between building personal connections with you and your needs to helping you set your own goals for sobriety, all while addressing the hurdles unique to your journey, we are committed to helping you create your own best path to success. Combining proven therapeutic strategies with an atmosphere of empowerment and change at multiple locations across Colorado, we provide you with the opportunities to explore your own best path forward to a sober future. For more information, call to speak to us today at (303) 710-8496.

The Effects of Addiction on Children

The Effects of Addiction on Children

By Addiction, Treatment

Addiction is a devastating disease that never truly affects a person in a vacuum. Rather, it affects entire families, from spouses to children, with children being uniquely susceptible to its devastating effects. About one in eight children across the country live in a household with at least one parent with a substance use disorder (SUD,) and addressing its consequences is critical.

In addition to the physical and emotional ramifications of drug and alcohol use for those engaging with these substances, children also experience many of their own traumas and prolonged effects of addiction as a result of growing up in a space affected by addiction. Understanding the effects of addiction on children is necessary to begin healing from the effects of addiction and repairing these important relationships for a healthy, sober future.

Addiction and Parenting

The use of drugs and alcohol has an intense effect on a person’s physical and mental well-being, bringing feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, and much more. However, these effects also affect a person’s ability to parent.

Children in households with at least one parent who engages in the dangerous use of drugs or alcohol experience a unique upbringing. Parental figures may begin to eschew these important relationships and attention and adopt a more isolated lifestyle as a result of addiction, compromising a child’s need for parental bonds. Addiction also makes consistency in parenting incredibly difficult.

Parents unable to manage their emotional state can lead to inconsistent parenting, even developing disproportionate consequences or reactions while parenting due to a compromised emotional state. Pervasive feelings of anger or anxiety can lead to unfair parenting styles; experiencing outbursts can further deteriorate these relationships. Children may not only be more reserved in their development but also be less willing to reach out to parents for guidance, questions, or other needs due to the consequences of substance use, leading to gaps in their development.

Stunted Development

Children with at least one parent with SUD can also experience their own varied stunted development. This can commonly refer to emotional development, as children may not be readily able to understand and process their own emotional states.

A pervasive, volatile home atmosphere can affect a child’s ability to process their own emotions, from their personal feelings of anxiety and anger and more. Others may experience the compromised development of personal and social skills, with children having less access to social outlets or being unable to navigate social environments in a safe and comfortable manner.

Children never have to be actively engaged with addictive substances to experience their effects, and the use of drugs or alcohol has direct consequences on entire families and households.

The Continued Emotional Impact of Addiction on Children

Children living in environments with at least one parent with SUD may continue to feel the adverse effects of such a situation for a prolonged period of time. Traumatic experiences and influences during their developmental years can greatly impact a child’s mental health, perspectives, worldview, and attitudes, even moving into their teenage years and adulthood.

Increased feelings of their own anxiety, depression, isolation, guilt, and much more are common among children. Some children may also blame themselves for a parent’s use of addictive substances, furthering these emotional challenges during a child’s developmental years and beyond.

Others may express an increase in risk-taking behavior in an attempt to garner the attention that may have been denied or insufficient as a result of a parent’s use of drugs or alcohol. However, a parent’s use of these substances can also leave a lasting impression on their use, with drugs or alcohol being normalized from a young age. Children may either not recognize the truly destructive effects of substances or be exposed to their use very early in life and impacting their own development of addiction.

These impacts can also continue to affect children even if a parent’s use of drugs or alcohol changes. Ceasing the use of these addictive substances is crucial, but making an active effort to equally address its effects on children is necessary for a truly effective and transformative recovery.

Pursuing Treatment

Professional treatment for overcoming addiction is essential. Recovery is not just learning to avoid the use of drugs or alcohol but also processing and addressing the consequences of a person’s use, with the effects of addiction on children being a particularly poignant part of the journey. Not only must parents cease their use of addictive substances, but they also must address the lingering effects of their use and how it has affected the development of their child.

Redpoint’s outpatient programs are designed to take a personalized approach to recovery, instilling the necessary skills to stave off urges and cravings while developing the skills to reconnect with children, address their experiences, and rebuild these relationships. It is common for children to continue to harbor resentments or lingering traumas, and healing in these relationships takes time, effort, and honesty.

From developing communication strategies, embracing new lifestyle changes in accordance with sober ambitions, and tackling the attitudes and use of substances commonplace in children through professional teen programs and more, Redpoint’s approach to recovery as a familial endeavor is necessary to tackle the effects of addiction on children to create a healthy and sober future.

Addiction has lasting and profound impacts both on those engaging with addictive substances and those closest to them. Understanding the effects of addiction on your children is necessary to understand both the necessary steps through the healing process and the need for professional support during this time. At Redpoint, we champion familial healing, addressing not just the direct use of drugs or alcohol but their lasting impacts on each person’s mental and physical health to create a comprehensive and unified approach to a sober future. For more Infomation on how we can help you, your family, and your children overcome the effects of addiction, call to speak to us today at (303) 710-8496.

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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H
Longmont, CO 80501

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