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Redpoint Center Blog Communication in Recovery

Communication in Recovery

By Community, Mental Health

An Interview with Redpoint Center team member, Wendy Stine, Clinician and Program Manager for Northern Colorado

Communication in recovery is one of our greatest tools. So much of what we experience when we are in self-destructive behaviors is a lack of communication. Hence, communication in recovery and relationships is vital. The ability to express our needs and listen to others deeply allows for understanding and connection. Furthermore, we know that connection is very important and vulnerability plays a role as well. Whether at work, romantic relationships, friends, or therapists, expressing yourself honestly and being heard compassionately can provide a medium for growth and healing. We asked our counselor Wendy Stine a few questions about what healthy communication looks like, and how to get in touch with our feelings. After all, we need to understand what we are feeling to express it. 

Why Communication Matters in Recovery

Redpoint: What are some tips for getting in tune with our feelings, especially in early recovery?

Wendy: It’s always helpful to start from a place of groundedness. This can be as easy as taking a few deep breaths with eyes closed and being really “in your body.” Then ask yourself what do I feel- happy, mad, sad, hurt, or afraid? Keep the options simple. Maybe write a little bit about in a journal. The important thing is not to judge the feelings.  Don’t analyze anything- just acknowledge.

RP: What are some ways to soothe ourselves when we are feeling overwhelmed by emotion?

W: Some easy and quick ways to soothe oneself would be some focused breath work; I like to count my inhales, pause a second and count the exhales. Counting helps distract the brain. If you can manage to breathe in slowly to the count of 4, hold for one count and slowly exhale to a 6 or 7 count, you will calm the mind and body. Repeat the cycle a few times.

I also love getting outside for calming. If I can take my shoes off in the grass, even better! Sometimes I’ll just sit in my yard and look at the sky, hear the birds, and smell the fresh air. Works wonders.

It’s ok to give yourself a time out! Even a quick nap or “mind shutdown” can bring relief.

And there’s always the quick call or text to a supportive friend.

Relationship Goals: Healthy Communication

RP: What does healthy communication look like? What are some tips on being a more active listener/supporting others when communicating?

W: Healthy communication looks like being responsible for your own words and actions. Take ownership of the way you feel. “ I feel hurt when…” is more effective than “You make me feel”. I try and start feeling statements with “I”.  Don’t keep things bottled up. People are not mind readers, and often don’t know what we’re feeling. 

It’s super important to be a good listener in any relationship. Sadly, many people are busy planning a response rather than actually hearing what is said. Listen as if you are not going to answer. Ask questions, make eye contact, and stay off your mobile phone! It’s helpful to paraphrase back what is being said- it shows you are paying attention; it feels good to be a friend! 

When we have empathy and understanding for ourselves, we can extend that same compassion to others. Communicating with the intention of getting closer to those you love or interact with,  will always foster healthy conversations and progress for a better life. 

If you or someone you know needs mental health support, we are here.

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Redpoint Center Blog Sober Friendships in Recovery

Friendship in Sobriety

By Community, Mental Health

Friendship is very important in our lives. Along with the simple fact that friendship provides key support, relationships are a big part of our mental health and well-being. The people we surround ourselves with and the environment we create is a crucial part of maintaining sobriety in recovery. In addition, studies show that friendships play a vital role in recovery. Often, those we spend time with before recovery indulged in our addictions as well. Making a drastic life change to recovery can cause a lot of shifts in our lives. One significant change can be the shifts in our friendships. 

Sober Friendships

As many can attest, early sobriety can cast a glaring light onto everything we do. Our life long friends who share addictive behaviors may seem more destructive (which they often are!) and unhealthy. You may come to see some friends could perhaps use an AA meeting. In addition, these running buddies often mirror our behavior and thinking. Furthermore, recognizing the unhealthy influence of old friends, or the lack of connection without the d.o.c. you once bonded over, can be a grieving process.

Letting Go of Destructive Relationships

It can be hard to admit that certain friendships only existed when you were using. Also, when you start to feel a lack of depth in a relationship, it can be painful and even isolating. Hence, it is best to assess things slowly. You do not have to “break up” with all your friends right away. And, more importantly, we have to remember we can’t make them get sober, too. Cultivating a curated list, however, of positive and negative aspects of friendships can be quite helpful. This is a big part of learning to set boundaries. Also, it will help you know what sober relationships are positive for you. Maybe you no longer go to your friend’s house who is an active user. However, you talk on the phone from time to time so they feel supported. You may express to a close friend that you no longer wish to golf on Sundays because folks are drinking. True friends will hear these requests and respect them. When they are not heard, or when a friend takes offense, this can be the indicator that this friendship may not be healthy for you.

Finding Our Sober Friendship Tribe

There is a lot to be said around finding like-minded people in recovery. Some people love being sober and feel it has saved their lives. Others do not or think AA, NA, GA, and on, are cults. Undeniably, however, sober living will put you in touch with people going through the same experiences as you. AA is not the only group for those seeking a sober life. There are many resources for support groups or non-12-Step addiction recovery groups that can help one branch out and meet other sober people.  If you have a passion or hobby that you already know about or want to explore, take a class! Even connecting with those not in recovery, but who share common interests, can lead to deeper, healthier friendships. It can be tricky with Covid-19 restrictions at the moment, but zoom meetings and online classes and support groups are always taking place. There is a world-wide network of people in recovery. Though it may be intimidating at first, taking the first vulnerable step towards connection can open up a whole new life. Also, almost everyone in recovery was new at some point and experienced the same fear and need to connect.

It may feel scary, to shift out of old support systems and comfortable friendships. You may feel isolated and lonely. But “nature abhors a vacuum.” In psychics, when there is a vacuum in space or empty space, nature seeks to fill it. So when we create space in our life by releasing what no longer serves us, new life, new friendships, will come. 

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Redpoint Center How to Let Go Recovery Mental Health

How to Let Go: Guilt, Shame, and Self-Love

By Mental Health

Do people sometimes tell you to just let go? It is not always easy. The truth is, change is hard. Furthermore, letting go, for many of us, is new. To let go means we’re enacting new behavior. Many of us hold on to things when we’re actively drinking and drugging. We hold on to resentments, fears, anger, betrayals, frustrations, self-doubt; the list goes on. Our mental health and well-being depend on our capacity for self-care. So, what does it mean to let go? And, more importantly, how do we do it?

What Does it Mean to Let Go?

The best apology is changed behavior. If you or someone you love is in recovery, you may know this statement to be true. But sometimes, even after we have changed our behavior in sobriety, something chips away at our progress and confidence: guilt and shame. Guilt and shame can be an indicator of how we don’t want to be. So often though, these negative states become chronic companions, controlling our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors. What can we do? Even after our families and friends have forgiven us, we may continue to harbor these heavy emotions because we have not forgiven ourselves.

When we make mistakes, especially large ones, we may let it define us. Hence, we label ourselves.  “I’m a terrible mother.” “I am a horrible person.” “We should have known better.” “It’ll never change.” And perhaps the worst of them all, “I don’t deserve to be loved or to be happy.” These feelings stem from not feeling we are enough. Thankfully, none of these statements have to be true. Furthermore, we are in control.

Defining Ourselves: Self-Awareness and Forgiveness

The first step to emotional well-being is reminding yourself that you are worthy. This is no easy feat. To start, we must know that we do deserve love, no matter what we have done, and that we can move forward. When we refuse to release our guilt and shame, we are in essence bringing the past into the present and creating more of the same. We become stuck. The experience might be familiar to many of us. Perhaps we did something embarrassing when drinking or drugging (um, haven’t we all?!) We may still feel shame and continue to grovel and apologize as if we just made the mistake this morning. What’s more, we punish ourselves with guilt and remorse. This self-abuse is no different than our addictive patterns. In fact, it mirrors our low self-worth. In addition, it erodes our relationships. Sometimes, when we exhaust our amends list and apologize to every person in our lives, we may still owe ourselves an apology. “I am so sorry I constantly put you in danger, abuse you, and neglect your needs and feelings.” Softening towards ourselves can be a crucial part of self-forgiveness and releasing guilt. 

How to Let Go of the Past

The past cannot be changed so it does little good to dwell and stew in our mistakes thinking, “if only…”. We were different people then. We did not have the knowledge of self, wisdom and experience that we have now. Looking back, we were probably doing the best we could with the pain and misery inside us. Today, however, our best looks very different. Upon accepting your past behavior, knowing that you cannot change it, but recognizing that we no longer wish to behave in that way, we can finally move forward in peace as a changed person. 

No matter what you have done in the past, you deserve love now. You can let go, and move forward. You deserve to be happy, and you can be.

For those of us in recovery, even after we change our behavior we may hold onto our mistakes and allow them to continue to eat us alive: guilt. To truly accept forgiveness, we often need to forgive ourselves. But how? How can we forgive ourselves for what we did, the lies we told, the pain we caused? It can be helpful to picture yourself as a friend with a list of mistakes or harms done. You would probably reply in kindness and compassion with, “we love you, we forgive you, that’s all in the past now.” Why is it that we hold ourselves to such unreasonable standards and are so much softer towards friends and those we love. To forgive oneself is one of the greatest acts of self-care. Holding on to guilt is a form of self-punishment, only hurting ourselves further. Consequently, we are also most likely frustrating those around us. Therefore, letting go is true forgiveness. 

You deserve love no matter what you have done.

We do not deserve to be punished and suffer forever.

Allow yourself to be happy and feel peace.

Let go and let yourself be loved.


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Redpoint Center Blog Recovery Vulnerability Sober Mental Health

Vulnerability and Recovery: The Power of Authentic Connection

By Mental Health

We’re all human beings and we all want love and connection. So, how do we find it?

Vulnerability takes courage. And in recovery, it’s vital. In order to feel connected, we need to be vulnerable. Today, vulnerability is discussed widely. What’s more, this is largely thanks to one of our favorite researcher-storytellers, Brené Brown who famously charted the course into once uncomfortable topics in the viral TED talk she gave in 2010. If you have not watched this talk in full, we highly recommend it. It’s a game-changer. Specifically, it tackles shame and vulnerability and how important it is that we connect with others.

 Sobriety can be challenging. It can be rocky, uncomfortable, and frustrating at times as we unearth our behaviors and thought patterns. But it can also be a relief. No more hiding, cheating, lying, stealing. Sincere honesty can flow into your life like a cooling ocean wave. When we practice vulnerability and truthfulness in our communications, we deepen our interconnectedness with others. But how do we apply this in our lives?

Vulnerability in Sobriety

Many, upon hearing the word vulnerable, clench up. Fear can surround this word. But, many of us with consistent sobriety have found significant freedom in this word. Sitting in a room with others sharing vulnerable moments and struggles can be a great relief. It allows us to truly be seen, maybe for the first time in our lives, by people who know the experiences and feel what we are feeling. The best part about sobriety and vulnerability is that you are not the first person to experience it. Sharing from the heart connects us with those who have gone before.

Redpoint’s namesake is a climbing term for successfully free climbing a route that we have not been able to complete. Lucky for us, there is a worldwide community of folks in recovery that successfully navigate these routes of living sober. Tapping into this community and feeling the relief of being vulnerable can be life-saving and a testament of the human spirit. 

Mental Health and Being Vulnerable

The relief of vulnerability extends beyond the shared experience of addictive patterns and recovery. We, as humans, need each other. We need connection. Many of us have learned not to admit this for fear of seeming desperate or ‘uncool’. In addition, we may have endured trauma that causes us to distrust people, vowing never to be vulnerable again. This pattern can drive us back into addictive behavior because biologically, we NEED connection, touch, and love. The pain of isolation can run so deep, we use it as a punishment: solitary confinement. The whole world has been feeling the gravity of our need for human connection with lockdowns and quarantine. We are at the pace we are comfortable with and when we allow ourselves to physically connect with others and be in their presence, we can also motionally connect. Hence, we let this vulnerability flow forth. This is when true healing can occur. 

If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t be afraid to seek professional support, ever. You are not alone. We all experience difficult times and we all need help every once in a while. 

Redpoint Center Blog Article How to Stay Sober When Friends Party

How to Stay Sober When Your Friends Still Drink or Drug

By Mental Health

When new in recovery, it’s important to stay sober. Maintaining friendships with people who still use once sober can be difficult. It may be best friends, and even family members, who still party. In addition, it may be our closest support system who begged us to get sober at some point. While some are respectful, others don’t always get the gravity of maintaining a sober lifestyle. They may think, “He’s been sober for a year. He just doesn’t drink anymore”, believing that it is that easy to just stop drinking—thinking you are ‘cured’.

How to Stay Sober When Others Don’t Get It

It is hard to see another’s perspective unless we’ve lived it. Perhaps, even our best friends may not realize how hard it is for us to watch them have many beers with dinner. Maybe we just don’t feel comfortable at the New Year’s Eve party. Or, maybe the smell of marijuana is triggering? These are all valid concerns. In order to stay sober, we learn to find our boundaries, then hold them. And that is not always easy. Therefore, it becomes part of our recovery to set boundaries with friends and family. What’s more, this is crucial if some of these friends and family are unhealthy. It’s one thing to sip some wine with dinner. It’s another to get drunk and abusive. The only one who’s going to look out for your sobriety is you, so stand strong. Speaking up when we are uncomfortable is our responsibility. Furthermore, it’s an act of self-care. Most likely, this will be awkward and nerve-wracking at first. But speaking up and setting boundaries can be a crucial part of recovery.

Sober Boundaries and Staying the Course

Using our newly found sober voice can be difficult. Many of us fall into the trap of ‘wanting to be cool’. This may mean wanting everyone to continue to live their life as normal. But, your life is not how it used to be. Most likely, you have made a 180 degree turn to a different, sober lifestyle, and it’s okay to speak up about that. It’s actually what you must do. Those who truly care about you, once aware of your perspective, would happily not have that cocktail with dinner or drag you into a bar. The idea is to support the effort to stay sober. In fact, to honor it.

Feel free to say no to attending the reception at a good friend’s wedding because it is too much right now. Really, it is perfectly okay. And yes, some people may not get it. Setting new boundaries in relationships is often jarring to friends or family members. This is especially true when there is dysfunction. Unfortunately, some are just not used to you respecting yourself enough to ask for such boundaries. Many people don’t know how to set boundaries for themselves let alone respect yours (cue Al-Anon meetings ftw). Once in place, however, these new boundaries are life-saving in your recovery. Our social lives change in recovery. That’s a good thing. The idea is to stay sober and live a healthy life. The people that truly love us would happily meet us for a coffee, a hike, or any other sober hang out in place of the bar. When you respect yourself first, other’s respect will follow.  

Redpoint Center Mental Health Addiction Treatment Blog Feel Connected

How to Feel Connected During Tough Times

By Community, Mental Health

by Wendy Stine, Addiction Counselor & Program Manager at The Redpoint Center

There’s no doubt that many of us are feeling frazzled, ungrounded, and anxious. These feelings can make us feel isolated even more than we already are. Also, tumultuous times like this can be stressful. Our familiar routines may have become almost obsolete without a clear path to normalcy. In addition, it can be really hard to sustain isolation, for anyone. But, it’s even harder when struggling with mental health or substance issues.

Tips on How to Feel Connected

While we may be spending more time at home with family, we are also feeling more disconnected from the world. Our usual interactions with coworkers, fellow gym rats, and neighbors are on hold. In addition, social distance guidelines tell us to keep a 6-8 foot distance, but we are wired for human contact. Research tells us that this lack of connection during COVID-19 breeds mental health concerns, including anxiety and depression. So, what’s a human to do?
  • Tap into the network. To start, we can feel connected when we interact mindfully, such as using social media for one to one interactions, or for live classes instead of commenting on old posts or general scrolling
  • Do something for someone else. Service work is a beautiful way to feel part of. We can also feel connected when we make cookies for a neighbor, a senior center, or cut someone else’s lawn.
  • Meditation is a powerful practice. Also, certain types of meditation are about feeling connected. Metta is a longstanding loving-kindness meditation style. This loving-kindness meditation is a way to get quiet and embody compassionate awareness. It helps to ensure we feel connected.
  • Reach out. Is there a friend or loved one you’re missing? Write a heartfelt letter.
While there is no substitute for a hug from a friend, a smile from your favorite coworker, or a simple touch on the shoulder, it can help us feel like we are connected to the human race. At least for the time being. May we all feel connected during this challenging time.

It’s OK to Seek Support

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addictiondrug addiction, or mental health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol abuse. To learn more about our Longmont Drug Rehab in Boulder County Colorado, call 888-509-3153.
Even if Redpoint is not the appropriate facility, we will help you find what will work best for you and your family.
There is nothing wrong with struggling. It is OK to go through hard times. Many of us know the pain and the way back. We are here to help.
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Redpoint Center Mental Health COVID-19 Coping Tips

Mental Health and COVID-19

By Mental Health, Therapy

Mental Health and COVID-19: It’s OK to Not Be Ok

We’re just about a month in this whole shelter-in-place situation. The timeline for returning to regularly scheduled programming has been pushed out. And it is a moving target right now. In addition, we’re figuring out that there are challenges on top of challenges. Sure, staying at home in our sweats with our family of choice sounded good in the beginning. The “I’ll clean out all my closets,” and the “I’m going to work out every day,” rally cries are starting to lose steam. But guess what? That’s ok.
This is not the time to beat ourselves up with that old familiar voice that tells us we need to do it perfectly. No, we don’t. Pandemics can be stressful but there are tools we can use to recognize the COVID-19 stress and anxiety and support ourselves and our mental health with skill and ease. We just have to show up every day and do the best we can. It might be getting up and putting clothes on. Feed the cat. Do a work call even if you don’t have a zippy attitude. Just do what you can and get through it. It’s OK.

COVID-19 Tips to Cope

This won’t last forever. Not much does. So, press on; eat chocolate, call an old friend that makes you laugh. Do what you can. Reach out for support, if you need deeper listening. Telehealth therapy also provides a safe space. Tomorrow it just might be ok. In the meantime, here are some tips to sustain.
  • Structure your time. Build structure into your days and map your time. It’s always good to plan the weeks, the days, and what are the best ways to fill your time. If you’re working from home, it’s always good to schedule your time, both for work requirements and for you and your self-care. It may sound silly, but using your calendar to carve out time for you is a good thing. Perhaps you schedule a daily walk or meditation time?
  • Create space for activities. If you are in WFH (work from home) mode, try to set up your zoom/workspace somewhere particular, ideally away from your sanctuary space (bedroom/guest room/office). It’s ideal to separate where you work from where you unwind.
  • Create connection. It’s important to stay connected when we feel isolated. Reach out to others. Call loved ones or face time/video call to feel more connected. If you can, maintain whatever extracurricular activities keep you feeling grounded and healthy. Maybe it’s an online yoga class or a group workshop online.
  • Let go of expectations and enjoy your time. It’s OK to just let go sometimes. Go easy on yourself. You don’t need to use every minute of the day productively right now. There are other ways to use your time and be gentle with yourself. A little music therapy does wonders. Prepare a healthy meal. Cooking can be very meditative and is a great way to get lost in the moment.
Whatever you do, don’t forget to breathe and be compassionate with yourself right now. You are not alone. If feelings of lasting depression or thoughts of self-harm are present, there are people that can help immediately. Please contact us. We are here to help.
Redpoint Center COVID-19 Quarantine Music as Medicine

Quarantine Music to Soothe the Soul

By Community, Mental Health, Therapy

During COVID-19 quarantine, music is vital. While we experience these uncertain times, many are grappling with anxiety. In addition, we feel stress about the future. On top of this, we have an unprecedented amount of free time on our hands. It is in times like these when people with mental health disorders and addictions struggle. Furthermore, with the isolation, it becomes easier for the brain to drift into a negative headspace. A great way to feel connected throughout the chaos is music. Studies show that music has a positive impact on our mental health. Also, now, more than ever, musical artists are releasing music to entertain and provide hope to all of us stuck inside wondering what to do next. It’s a perfect time to crank the tunes.

Quarantine Music Soothes the Soul


During quarantine, music can be a soothing force for good. Go back through an old playlist you made years ago and reminisce. Create a new playlist comprised of songs about how you feel right now. Make a dance playlist and let loose. No one is around to judge you and who cares even if they were?! If ever there was a time to let loose and fly that freak flag, it’s now. Dance like no one is watching!
You could also make a playlist of music to express how you’re feeling. Write a song, create some instrumentals on GarageBand, or take a song you already know, and change the words if you want. Pull out that old Casiotone and get crafty. Ask your friends to send you what they’re listening to right now, and maybe you’ll find some new favorites.
Quarantine music can be a great distraction from the overwhelming sense of despair that can come and go in waves. Use music to navigate the feelings and sit in them for a little while. Then, find something upbeat, and turn the volume up until you can’t help but dance a little!

Quarantine Tune Tips

Here are some recommendations from our team. Streaming services, like Spotify, offer COVID-19 playlists. In addition, Vox published a quarantine survival playlist, and if you just need a few moments of hilariousness, this viral video from a family replicating a classic Journey music video is pretty epic. To top it off, Will Smith offers chill beats playlist on his YouTube channel for some smooth vibes.
If you or someone you love is ready to reach out for support, give Redpoint a call. We’re in this with you.
Image courtesy of OC Gonzalez via unsplash


Redpoint Center Healthy Eating During Covid-19 Quarantine explains how eating well improves mental health.

Healthy Eating During Quarantine

By Mental Health
Healthy eating isn’t always easy. Even during the best of times, we may crave comfort food or some snacking. But now, as we pass the one month mark of COVID-19 quarantine, the snacking can reach epic proportions. How do we keep our eating habits healthful and nourishing?

Self-Care During Quarantine

Being stuck at home under stressful conditions can bring on some serious snack issues. Many of us need some social distancing from those bad-for-you processed snacks that are high in sugar, fat, and food additives. Now is the time to focus on getting as much nutritional value as possible, while supporting our immune systems and mental health. And now we know, studies show that what we eat has a significant impact on our mental health. Take this time to establish positive routines that will serve you going forward.

Healthy Eating Tips

There are lots of ways to practice a healthy lifestyle during this time. Self-care, including exercise, plenty of sleep, and nutritious meals are a great foundation for wellness.
Here are a few more tips:
  • Drink water! We often head to the kitchen for something to do in downtime moments, just for something to do. Don’t be hard on yourself for that. It’s an unprecedented time. But instead of heading straight for the food, be sure to drink at least one full, tall glass of water.
  • Vegetables are your friends! Chopped vegetables with dips can be a perfect afternoon snack. Hummus, nut butter, and guacamole are three easy dips. Salads provide vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants and there are thousands of amazing recipes online. Make it fun and try new recipes you’ve never made. Experiment with what’s in the fridge.
  • Nuts, Peanut Butter, Trail Mix are all good options. You can even try mixing your own with what’s on hand.
  • Yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit, whole-grain cereal, or granola.
  • Guacamole or Hummus with whole-grain crackers and veggies. Chopping celery, carrots, and cucumbers to dip provide a healthy option.
  • Hard-boiled eggs are a good source of protein and nutrients.
  • Kitchen Sink Smoothie: Spinach, kale, bananas, berries, juice, or milk (non-dairy too), and any vitamins you have in a blender with ice
  • Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants

Be Mindful: Food & Mood

Food plays a big role in how we feel, mentally and physically. What’s more, the energy we put into what we eat pays off directly by building our self-esteem. Mindfulness plays a part here. Be conscious of how you’re approaching things. Why are you in the kitchen? Are you truly hungry? Have that glass of water (we all need to drink more water!) and think about what comes next. The less prepared foods we eat, the more we’re inspired to cook. Get creative in the kitchen and use this time to truly nourish yourself and those you love. In addition, it’s best to vary the kinds of snacks you eat. Give the body a mixture of food groups and focus on high nutritional value. Be mindful, noting when you’re truly full. Eating well is empowering and our bodies will respond with better health.
Image courtesy of unsplash.

Social Distancing and Mental Health: Telehealth Saves Lives

By Mental Health, Therapy, Treatment
There’s a saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” It’s never been more true in the instance of telehealth. While telehealth has been around for a while, it’s only been widely used as of late. The COVID-19 epidemic has brought a tool that rural and underserved communities use to the fore. In addition, studies show that telehealth services can be highly effective. Furthermore, when we maintain communication with our support team, we practice self-care. It’s vital, during challenging times, to get the help you need.

What is Telehealth?

Some wonder, what exactly is telehealth? It’s healthcare services, including mental health, that utilize telecommunications and virtual technology. Both the patient and the therapist are on HIPAA-compliant video, so clients, groups, and therapists can all see each other.  It allows practitioners to reach patients that are off-site for whatever reason. It’s got a list of benefits including:
•Convenience: You can receive services from your own home or office. No need for travel!
•Privacy: This communication is between you and your therapist, only.
•Efficacy: Research shows telehealth to be equally effective in the treatment of most mental health disorders
•Affordability: Services are often covered by insurance
•Comfort: You can wear pajama pants and no one will know!
While talking online isn’t always the best substitute for face-to-face human interaction, it does allow critical
care to continue amid these tenuous circumstances; a way to stay connected. And that is a beautiful thing.
If you or someone you know is in need of support right now, the Redpoint team is here to help. Contact us, any time. We are here 24/7 for you and yours.
Redpoint Center Mental Health Addiction Outpatient Telehealth Services
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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H
Longmont, CO 80501

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