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5 Things to Know About Teen Recovery Programs in Colorado

5 Things to Know About Teen Recovery Programs in Colorado

By Addiction

One of the hardest parts of recovery at times is coming to terms with “acceptance.” It can be hard to accept that our old way of life must end for a new much better one to begin. In fact, acceptance is such a critical part of recovery that many recovery meetings even read a statement dedicated to it at the beginning. This acceptance concept also applies to teen recovery programs in Colorado.

The Prevalence of Teen Addiction and Mental Illness

This “Acceptance Statement” goes, “And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation – some fact of my life – unacceptable to me. I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.” Many teens must come to this place of acceptance before they can truly begin their recovery journey.

The prevalence of teen addiction and mental health issues is much higher than many people think. According to the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, “Substance use is typically initiated during adolescence. Alcohol is the most commonly used substance among adolescents, with 64% of 18-year-olds endorsing lifetime alcohol use, followed by marijuana (45%) and cigarette use (31%). Also, “Another recent trend includes increased frequency of marijuana use, with 6% of 18 year olds reporting using marijuana daily.”

Now, because of the prevalence, it is critical to get teens into recovery programs as soon as possible. Age-specific recovery programs in Colorado can help make getting help more enticing and palatable.

The Importance of Age-Specific Recovery

Regardless of age, the use of addictive substances like alcohol and marijuana can bring feelings of shame, depression, anxiety, and guilt. These feelings can create a cycle of substance use that can quickly develop into a dangerous addiction.

Age-specific recovery programs in Colorado can help teens resolve those negative feelings like shame so they can get back to being healthy young people again. One of these teen recovery programs in Colorado that is offered by The Redpoint Center is a teen intensive outpatient program (teen IOP).

The Benefits of Teen Recovery Programs

There are two crucial keys to an effective teen IOP. One is that it involves the entire family whenever possible. Two is that each recovery program is individualized to each teen’s specific needs.

Keeping these two elements in mind ensures that the entire family can heal at the same time and that a resolution of the feelings of shame and guilt can be resolved. Also, because it is an outpatient program, there is ample opportunity for the teen to focus on aspects of their life that must also be addressed while in recovery. This includes things such as school and extracurricular activities. Now, this best ensures that not only does the teen recover, but they do not fall behind in other parts of their life while they do.

The Benefits of Teen Recovery Programs in Colorado

Teen recovery programs in Colorado like the ones offered by The Redpoint Center are some of the best in the country. They offer effective and engaging mental health and addiction treatment modalities like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) that can help a teen recover early so they can live their life unimpeded by mental illness, alcohol, or drugs.

Teen recovery programs in Colorado also offer some amazing opportunities to connect with other like-minded teens who can be great recovery peers and offer invaluable insight and “shared experience” when times get tough. Colorado also boasts the unique ability to offer an exceptional (many would say essential) connection to nature with the Rocky Mountains, as well as proximity to some of the most up-and-coming urban hubs like Denver.

The Redpoint Center: Offering Exceptional Teen Recovery Programs

Yes, recovery is about acceptance, but it is also about “action.” At The Redpoint Center, we offer teens the opportunity to fully engage and actively take charge of their own recovery. We focus on recovery skills that not only help in the moment but can help carry them through as they excel on their journey of long-term recovery.

At The Redpoint Center, we also avoid “one-note,” “cookie-cutter” recovery. We feel that broad recovery rarely works. That is why we only focus on creating comprehensive and individualized recovery plans for each of our teen clients.

The iconic American author and philosopher William James once said, “Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.” We are not only here to help teens resolve their addiction and mental health “misfortunes,” but we are also here to help our teen clients overcome any recovery challenge that might come their way. Life can be big, we are here to show them just how big.

When it comes to recovery and teens, there are myriad benefits of age-specific mental health and addiction care. Also, there are many exceptional teen recovery programs throughout Colorado. Colorado is a great place for recovery because it has exceptional access to nature (like the Rocky Mountains), as well as some exciting urban hubs (such as Denver). If you are a teen or know a teen who is struggling with issues of mental health, addiction, or co-occurring disorders, we can help get you on the right path to long-term recovery. For more information on the benefits of teen-focused addiction and mental health recovery, please reach out to The Redpoint Center today at (303) 710-8496.

The Benefits of Glenwood Springs Sober Living Facilities

The Benefits of Glenwood Springs Sober Living Facilities

By Addiction

It is important to remember that recovery is a process rather than an event. This means that there is no overnight “cure.” It takes due diligence, and it takes time. This also means not trying to rush through the treatment process. Many people who skip certain steps end up relapsing and having to go through the whole process over again. For many, one of these critical steps involves a stay in a sober living facility. Colorado’s Glenwood Springs sober living facilities are some of the best in the country.

What Are Sober Living Facilities?

Sober living facilities are places where people can continue to work on their recovery as they slowly integrate back into their everyday lives. It can be jarring to go from a 30-day or 90-day stay in a residential treatment center to suddenly being back in the middle of day-to-day life. A sober living facility allows for a buffer.

Sober living facilities are also places where people can stay connected to essential recovery professionals and recovery peers. Often, these are the same people from the residential treatment center that a person came from. This connectivity can be crucial on a recovery journey. 

Sober living facilities are also safe spaces for people to adjust to living “life on life’s terms.” This means that, while it is a safe space, it is not wholly shielded like a treatment center often is. This allows people to face potentially triggering situations while also having a strong community right around them to help navigate them.

Who Are Sober Living Facilities For?

Sober living facilities can be for anyone who wants to focus a little more intently, and a little longer, on their recovery. It is also for people who feel that they may relapse after treatment without some further assistance.

Some people need more structure and rules in early recovery to maintain their sobriety. There are also people in recovery who have families that are not yet ready to receive them. Addiction is a “family disease,” and everyone needs time to heal before they can healthily come together. A sober living facility bridges the treatment center and healing back in the home with the family.

What Are the Benefits of Sober Living Facilities?

While many benefits can be gained from staying at a sober living facility, the primary one is “accountability.” Accountability is critical in recovery because it ensures that an individual stays on their intended path. Accountability is also a great tool to avoid relapse. 

However, accountability is not the only benefit that sober living facilities offer. The following are just a few more of those benefits:

  • Helps one better connect to a sober community, such as a 12-Step recovery community
  • Offers a chance to acquire or hone some necessary life skills, such as communication, sober interaction, being a productive employee, and maintaining healthy sleep hygiene
  • Allows an opportunity to be of service to other people struggling with their recovery, which is essential for growth
  • Keeps one connected to recovery professionals like therapists, counselors, and recovery coaches
  • Helps one slowly integrate back into family life and gradually introduce loved ones to their relapse prevention plan

The Benefits of Glenwood Springs Sober Living Facilities

Glenwood Springs, Colorado, is an ideal place to recover. This includes the many exceptional Glenwood Springs sober living facilities. Glenwood Springs sober living facilities offer individuals an opportunity to continue their recovery in one of the most beautiful places in the country. 

Glenwood Springs is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and is surrounded by the White River National Forest. Known for its stunning lakes and geothermal waters, it is an ideal place to commune with nature, a Higher Power, a loving community, and ultimately, one’s own recovery.

Glenwood Springs is a transformative type of place, and Glenwood Springs sober living facilities match that potential for transformation. There are also many places to either join a 12-Step meeting, volunteer to help others in need of recovery, or engage in activities such as snowboarding, skiing, and spelunking in one of the amazing underground caves in the canyon.

The Redpoint Center, Glenwood Springs Sober Living Facilities, and Recovery for All Who Want It

The Redpoint Center understands the importance of Glenwood Springs sober living facilities because Glenwood Springs is where many of its staff started their own journey of recovery. Yes, environment matters when it comes to sobriety.

The truth is that the healthier the place, the healthier the person. There may be no better example of this than Glenwood Springs, Colorado, and Glenwood Springs sober living facilities. Sober living is not just about maintaining recovery, Glenwood Springs sober living facilities are about getting out there and experiencing life.

The Redpoint Center’s Glenwood Springs location offers the magnificence of the Colorado mountainscape as well as vibrant local activities, community, and culture. Also, in addition to our outpatient services, we provide continued clinical support, sober living services, and a strong recovery-based community. Yes, Glenwood Springs is a superb place to recover, especially for those who wish to stay more closely connected to their recovery (and a recovery community) in a sober living facility. If you feel like you or a loved one may be struggling with issues of addiction, mental health, or both, we can help. For more information about the benefits of sober living facilities in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, please reach out to The Redpoint Center at (303) 710-8496.

Navigating Insurance and Addiction in Colorado

Navigating Insurance and Addiction in Colorado

By Addiction

One of the difficult but necessary realities of recovery is that it has to get paid for. Now, this doesn’t mean that finance should ever come before addiction recovery. It just means that finances need to be taken into account. This includes financing treatment for addiction in Colorado. The good news is that there are many ways to make recovery happen that won’t leave you financially hindered. One of these ways is by navigating the world of insurance and recovery.

Understanding the Financial Realities of Recovery

The recovery industry is a multibillion-dollar industry, and it didn’t get to be that way by ignoring the “bottom line.” Does this mean that the recovery industry is solely focused on the financials? Absolutely not. The majority of people that we deal with on a daily basis have nothing to do with any of the financial aspects of recovery. They are only there to help you get better.

It does mean, however, that at some point, a discussion will have to be had regarding payments and payment plans. This is best handled by someone who has the full capacity of their faculties, which many people lack when they are first entering treatment. Usually, this leaves the financial decision-making to a partner or close family member (if they are available).

Regardless of family involvement, a reputable recovery center is going to be able to help get the financial situation in order while also ensuring that the person in need of addiction care gets it as soon as possible. Most recovery centers have excellent intake personnel that can help guide this process along smoothly. This includes those seeking help for addiction in Colorado.

Seeking Help for Addiction in Colorado

The most important step of recovery is taking that first action and asking for help. In Colorado, this is no different.

Seeking help for addiction in Colorado is going to be similar to many other places in the country. There is a nationwide marketplace insurance program that people in Colorado have access to as well.

However, most of these insurances will only work to cover help for addiction in Colorado if you are a resident and have state-approved insurance. Understandably, this can feel a bit overwhelming, which is why the best move to make is to reach out to the insurance company and see what your options are.

Navigating Insurance and Addiction in Colorado

Most insurance companies have specific parameters in place when it comes to what they cover for mental health and addiction care. These can differ from one company to the next. The key is to reach out and see what your insurance offers.

While it may feel intimidating, most insurance agents are there to help you, not harm you. The insurance representatives, like those people we deal with directly in the recovery center, do not deal directly with money and only have your best interest at heart.

They will be able to tell you what your recovery options for addiction in Colorado are. They may include detox and inpatient care coverage, intensive outpatient coverage, and even some therapy sessions outside of the recovery center. Also, they will be able to tell you the percentage that they will cover, as well as the duration that they will cover your treatment. They will also be able to provide you with a list of treatment and recovery centers that will take your insurance.

Not Letting Finance Dictate Wellness

If you are having trouble dealing with your insurance directly, a responsible recovery center will be able to reach out to them on your behalf. Most centers will also be happy to direct you to where you can get the best help if they cannot take your insurance.

Many recovery centers also have options for people who do not have insurance. This may include reduced rates or a payment plan.

If you are still having trouble finding recovery due to financial restraints, do not give up. There are many local community centers and advocacy groups that can help ensure that you start your recovery journey ASAP.

The Redpoint Center: Healing Addiction in Colorado Is Our Primary Purpose

Yes, money is part of the recovery realm. However, it does not have to be the driving factor for whether someone gets help or not.

Here at The Redpoint Center, our primary purpose is healing addiction in Colorado, and we work with many insurance companies to make that happen.

In 12-Step recovery, there is something called the “Responsibility Statement.” It goes, “I am responsible, when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of [recovery] always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.” Notice how money is not mentioned once in that statement? That is because, in recovery, people must always come first.

Helping people understand their insurance options when it comes to getting treatment for addiction and mental health is a critical part of early recovery. Connecting to insurance representatives, finding out what types of treatment are most likely to be covered, and discovering how a recovery center can help explain insurance options and deal directly with insurance companies can be extremely helpful. If you feel like you or a loved one may be struggling with addiction, please don’t wait to reach out. We can help get your recovery journey started. For more information about navigating insurance options for mental health and addiction recovery, contact The Redpoint Center today at (303) 710-8496.

The Importance of Age-Appropriate Addiction Care in Longmont

The Importance of Age-Appropriate Addiction Care in Longmont

By Addiction

More and more young people are choosing sobriety and addiction recovery than ever before. In fact, there are fewer young people using alcohol and substances now than before the COVID-19 pandemic. There are also more and more young people choosing to seek help. One of the reasons for this is that more and more young people feel seen in the recovery industry. They see age-appropriate treatment options, and that makes them feel optimistic and less alone. This includes seeing age-appropriate addiction care in Longmont, Colorado.

The Reality About Addiction, Sobriety, and Recovery for Young People

While there are many young people choosing sobriety these days, there are still those out there who need addiction help or will need some form of help in the future. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “15% of high school students reported having ever used select illicit or injection drugs (i.e. cocaine, inhalants, heroin, methamphetamines, hallucinogens, or ecstasy),” and “14% of students reported misusing prescription opioids.” Also, alcohol remains the most prevalent used substance among young people.

Now, of course, the statistics of young people who use alcohol and illicit substances do not wholly correlate to those who will seek treatment, but those numbers do offer an idea of where the issues manifest. More young people within those statistics are seeking treatment because it is becoming more “acceptable” to do so.

The stigma surrounding addiction care is slowly being lifted for young people as more and more visible individuals in the public eye are admitting to their own mental health and addiction struggles and how they have gotten help and recovered. This goes a long way in helping young people to seek help. Also, this is why having age-appropriate care waiting for them when they do is critical. This includes age-appropriate addiction care in Longmont.

The Importance of Age-Appropriate Addiction Care

Everyone likes to feel seen in life. This is no different for young people, especially those young people who are in addiction recovery.

Many young people have been skittish about seeking addiction care because they feel as though they don’t belong. They feel that recovery is only for older people who have “lost everything.” Perhaps, they are under the false perception that recovery is just a bunch of older people in 12-Step rooms ruminating about what went wrong.

Of course, anyone who is in recovery or the recovery industry knows this to be untrue, but how are young people to know unless they have a place to go and find out? Hence the importance of age-appropriate addiction care options and opportunities.

The Benefits of Age-Appropriate Addiction Care

One of the primary benefits of age-appropriate addiction care for young people is that more and more young people are going to discover sobriety early. The resulting benefits of this are almost immeasurable. These are long-term physical, mental, and psychological health benefits.

Age-appropriate addiction care also offers a great opportunity for the benefits of recovery to spread via word-of-mouth. Also, recovery is often a program of “attraction rather than promotion,” which means when young people see how well their peers have done and are doing in recovery, they will want the same sense of health and wellness.

The Benefits of Age-Appropriate Addiction Care in Longmont, Colorado

The benefits of age-appropriate addiction care in Longmont are the same as previously mentioned but with some exceptional added features. These include being able to experience recovery in a serene mountain setting, while also being a mere 37 miles from one of the nation’s most vibrant cities: Denver.

Addiction care in Longmont also offers young people a great opportunity to become part of a lively recovery community of young people. There are specific young people 12-Step meetings, as well as many activities and outings that are geared specifically toward young people.

Age-appropriate addiction care in Longmont also means an opportunity to become integrated into a community that is ready to grow together and help each other out as they run into potential roadblocks for people who got sober young. This includes navigating high school and college, as well as protecting their sobriety while still living at home.

The Repoint Center and Exceptional Addiction Care in Longmont, Colorado

Here at The Redpoint Center, we aim to help all recover who actively want it. This includes a new generation of young people who are choosing sobriety over substance abuse.

The stigma of addiction and recovery for young people is being lifted slowly but surely. The Redpoint Center has age-appropriate addiction care in Longmont, Colorado that is here to make sure that all of that effort doesn’t go to waste. We know that recovery is the “easier, softer” way of life, and we want young people to know that reality ASAP and get to live it too.

As with other populations, young people benefit from treatment that is more age-appropriate and relatable. This can help them focus (taking into account short attention spans) and keep them engaged. The Redpoint Center knows what young person-focused treatment should look like, including incorporating academic life, how to navigate social media, and the importance of group therapy for “shared experience,” as well as continued connection. If you are a young person or know a young person who is struggling with addiction, we can help you and your loved one attain and maintain a healthy recovery. For more information on age-appropriate addiction care in Longmont, Colorado, please reach out to The Redpoint Center at (303) 710-8496.

Treating Comorbidities: Recovery Options in Colorado

Treating Comorbidities: Recovery Options in Colorado

By Addiction

Recovery is not merely about fixing one aspect of our lives. While recovery is about healing from specific issues of addiction and mental health, it is also about healing on a cellular level. What this means is that multiple issues of our lives must be addressed to experience a full recovery. This includes treating comorbidities if they are present. The good news is that there are plenty of recovery options in Colorado for making this full recovery happen.

What Exactly Does ‘Comorbidities’ of Mental Health and Addiction Mean?

Quite aptly put, comorbidities are when two disorders co-occur at the same time in the same individual. Comorbidities of mental health and addiction are actually much more common than many people may think.

Here are the facts. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “7.7 million adults have co-occurring mental and substance use disorders.” NIDA also states, “Of the 20.3 million adults with substance use disorders, 37.9% also had mental illnesses” and that among the “42.1 million adults with mental illness, 18.2% also had substance use disorders.”

NIDA also points out that having comorbidities “doesn’t mean that one caused the other and it can be difficult to determine which came first.” This is why it is important not to try and diagnose comorbidities on our own. It is critical to get a professional dual diagnosis from a clinical or mental health/addiction professional. Again, the good news is that there are plenty of specialists and recovery options in Colorado.

Recovery Options in Colorado: The Importance of Getting the Right Diagnosis, Right Away

Getting the right diagnosis right away is one of the best ways to ensure that the recovery process will run as smoothly as possible. Not having comorbidities diagnosed properly from the start can set recovery back because one untreated disorder can inhibit the other from getting any better.

The fact of the matter is that, if present, issues of mental health and addiction are more often than not intrinsically intertwined. This means one untreated disorder means two untreated disorders. However, this also means the opposite is true. When both issues are treated in tandem, then both issues can be resolved on relatively the same timetable.

Recovery Options in Colorado: The Importance of Treating Comorbidities at the Same Time

When many people think of Colorado, they often think about the mountains and a very serene and peaceful setting. With this, they are not wrong. However, what they may not realize is that Colorado is home to some of the best addiction and mental health specialists in the country.

Whether it be Longmont, Boulder, Larimer County, Glenwood Springs, or other places, there are many effective recovery options in Colorado. These places have the caliber of addiction and mental health specialists that can both effectively dual diagnose and tandemly treat comorbidities of mental health and addiction.

Recovery Options in Colorado: Making the Right Recovery Choices After Treatment

The recovery options in Colorado are also ideal after the initial treatment process has concluded. Colorado has both natural landscapes, like the Rocky Mountains, and urban cityscapes, like Denver, that can offer something for everyone as they continue their recovery post-treatment center.

The recovery options in Colorado also include exceptional partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), general outpatient programs (GOPs), and sober living facilities. These are all great transitional options after a more intensive residential program to treat comorbidities has taken place. The recovery options in Colorado also include the potential to create an exceptional sober network. Because Colorado has so many great addiction and mental health specialists, it also also a great recovery community of “recovery peers.” 

This means that there are great 12-Step communities throughout Colorado, as well as other forms of community recovery meet-ups such as the ones offered via SMART or Dharma recovery groups. There are also many outreach centers where one can be of service in recovery. (And as they say in the primary text of 12-Step recovery  – commonly referred to as the “Big Book” – “Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking [and using] as intensive work with [others in recovery]. It works when other activities fail.”

Excellent Recovery Options in Colorado With The Redpoint Center

Here at The Redpoint Center, we understand how important it is to get a proper dual diagnosis right away if comorbidities of addiction and mental health are present. This is why we have some of the best professionals in the field on our staff.

W. H. Auden once cheekily wrote, “We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.” Well, here at The Redpoint Center, we are here in Colorado to help others. That is our primary purpose, and that is something we know for certain.

Many people are unaware of how prevalent comorbidities of addiction and mental health really are. Also, many people may be unaware of the importance of treating co-occurring disorders at the same time to avoid both mental health and addiction relapse. The good news is that there are many excellent residential programs, partial hospitalization programs (PHP), and intensive and general outpatient programs (IOPs and GOPs) for effectively treating individuals in Colorado. If you feel like you or a loved one may be struggling with issues of addiction, mental health, or both, we can help. For more information on treatment options for comorbidities in Colorado, please reach out to The Redpoint Center today at (303) 710-8496.

Redpoint’s Sober Living: Embarking on a Journey to Recovery

By Addiction

Hey there, I’m Andy, the Redpoint sober living house manager and I’m also a proud alumnus of Redpoint’s sober living and IOP (intensive outpatient program.) Today, I want to chat with you about what makes our sober living program so special, especially for those of us dealing with substance abuse and mental health challenges.

First, all sober living members get to attend our engaging individual and group therapy program. Recovery can be a rocky road, but at Redpoint, we’re here to help you find your way back to a healthier, more manageable life. We get it; addiction and mental health issues are no walk in the park. You don’t have to face these battles alone – we’re here to help.

Our approach is anything but one-size-fits-all. We know that everyone’s journey is unique. That’s why we take a holistic approach, addressing both substance abuse and mental health concerns at the same time. Our toolkit includes various therapies, like one-on-one, group sessions, mindfulness practices, and attending recovery meetings to ensure a well-rounded recovery experience.

Now, let’s talk about sober living, a critical piece of the puzzle. It’s like a bridge between treatment and getting back to your regular life. At Redpoint, we offer safe and supportive housing where comfort and security are our top priorities. There will always be triggers and temptations on the road to recovery, and a sober living environment provides a safe space and a group of peers to help work through some of those challenges together.

Accountability is essential in recovery, and we take it seriously. Our clients follow house rules, attend house meetings, and undergo regular drug testing to stay on track. But it’s not just about rules; it’s about community. Building connections is a big deal for lasting recovery. In our sober living houses, you’ll meet like-minded individuals on a similar journey, and these connections often extend far beyond your time with us.

Speaking of community, every Sunday, we host awesome alumni events. These gatherings aren’t just about staying sober; they’re about celebrating life in recovery with all current and former clients. We’ve got everything from hiking and rock climbing to engaging art workshops and tranquil meditation sessions. These events are about building connections and having a blast while doing it.

Redpoint Center isn’t just another sober living and treatment program; it’s a place where individuals find hope, healing, and a path to recovery while still being able to kick back and have fun. I’ve been where you are, and still am navigating the ups and downs of recovery. I’ve walked in those shoes, and I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone on this journey.

Sober living combined with outpatient treatment programs are ideal options for many people looking to recover. It allows individuals to focus intently on their recovery while also keeping one foot in their everyday lives. The key is to determine if  this is the right recovery road when seeking treatment. If you feel like you or someone you love is struggling with issues of addiction and/or mental health, please know that you are not alone. We can help get you on the path to successful long-term recovery. For more information on the benefits of sober living and outpatient treatment, reach out to Redpoint Center today at (303) 710-8496.

Longmont Recovery: Meeting People Where They Are At

Longmont Recovery: Meeting People Where They Are At

By Addiction

Seeking help for addiction or mental health issues can feel like one of the most overwhelming and challenging moves we may ever have to make. That is also what makes it such an accomplishment when we decide to take that first step. Some would even say that reaching out for help is the biggest hurdle in the entire recovery process. Because of that fact, the opportunity must be taken advantage of fully, and treated accordingly, by seeking out a recovery center that is going to meet us at the exact place where we are at. This includes physically, mentally, and emotionally. In Colorado, many people have found this level of attention and understanding in the Longmont recovery community. 

Taking Advantage of the ‘Recovery Acceptance Window’

Many people may be familiar with the term “namaste,” often used in yoga practices and meditation, but may not be entirely familiar with what it means. To distill it down to its essence, namaste means “the light in me sees the light in you.” This is also what is so important when first meeting with someone who is seeking mental health and/or addiction help – to fully see them as a person and not just as the issues that they are dealing with. The issues can be dealt with in time, but when we are first reaching out and feeling raw, we just need to be accepted and seen.

When someone finally decides to get help for their addiction or mental health issues, it is important to understand that time is of the essence. The “window of recovery” can be very short. It is not uncommon for an individual to be ready for treatment but change their mind when they either “overthink” it or perhaps begin to experience withdrawals. That is why this vulnerable period must be treated very sensitively because sometimes there is only one chance to get someone to accept the help they need.

Longmont Recovery and Meeting People Where They Are At

So, what exactly does “meeting people where they are at really even mean?” What it means is empathizing with someone on a human level rather than at a clinical or diagnostic level. 

It also means making sure this person knows that they are not alone. There is a term often used in the addiction and mental health community known as “terminal uniqueness.” What that means is that many people in active addiction or struggling with untreated mental illness become so isolated, and their world becomes so small, that they don’t understand that other people are also experiencing the same tumult in their lives.

Now, perhaps more important than letting people know that they are not alone in what they went through is that they won’t be alone in the recovery that they are about to embark on. Recovery is about shared experience, reliability, and meeting someone where they are at and letting them know that there will be a community supporting them is critical.

Turning Acceptance Into Action

Once an individual accepts help, it is important to determine what that help should look like. This is a big part of meeting someone where they are because it also helps determine the next steps they should take.

For example, for an individual who is in the later, more severe stages of addiction or mental health, it may be the best option to get them into residential care where they can get the most attention 24/7. However, for some individuals who do not need immediate inpatient care, a partial hospitalization program that offers full-day treatment may be the best option, of which there are many in the Longmont recovery community.

This is where meeting someone where they are is also so critical because if no connection is made and the wrong recovery program is chosen, it can not only push back someone’s recovery timeline but even has the potential to sideline their recovery altogether.

The Benefits of Longmont Recovery

Another part of meeting someone where they are is also determining if the right recovery setting is right for them. For example, Longmont recovery offers individuals the ability to engage with nature (the Rocky Mountains) or integrate themselves into a city with an excellent recovery community (Denver). Longmont recovery also has some of the most reputable treatment centers with some of the most highly regarded specialists in the country.

Shared Experience: The Repoint Center and a Staff That Relates

Here at The Redpoint Center, we understand what it is like to take that first step to get help. That is because many of us have gone through it ourselves. Many of us specifically experienced the Longmont recovery scene. We can meet people where they are because we’ve been there too.

Yes, seeking help is one of the most challenging things we may ever have to do. But, we here at The Redpoint Center, who have been through it ourselves, also know firsthand that is the best thing we have ever done.

“Meeting clients where they are at” is part of our ethos here at The Redpoint Center. We understand how challenging it can be to reach out for help. That is why we make sure to connect to clients on their level because it is about individual needs rather than pre-set recovery plans. We make sure that individualized recovery plans are established for each of our clients as soon as the treatment process begins. If you feel like you or a loved one may need professional help for issues of addiction and/or mental health, we can help. For more information on effective and comprehensive recovery plans, please reach out to The Redpoint Center today at (303) 710-8496.

Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol Relapse

Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol Relapse

By Addiction, Alcohol Rehab, Featured

Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol RelapseThere is a term in the addiction recovery community called “terminal uniqueness.” What this means is that people who struggle with issues of addiction often feel like they are alone in their experiences. However, when someone begins engaging and interacting with other members of recovery communities they soon find out that addiction is a “shared experience.” Perhaps the details of active addiction are different, but the feelings of despair are almost always the same. Yet even after all of this shared experience, individuals that experience alcohol relapse often go right back to that state of “terminal uniqueness.”

What Exactly Is Alcohol Relapse?

An alcohol relapse is something that occurs after a successful period of recovery. Also, it is important to note that a relapse rarely ever happens “at the moment.” Alcohol relapses often begin long before the first drink is taken. According to the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, “Relapse is a gradual process that begins weeks and sometimes months before an individual picks up a drink or drug.” So it is important to recognize the warning signs early if a relapse is to be thwarted.

It is also important to get away from the idea that relapses are uncommon occurrences. According to the journal, Current Psychiatry Reports, “For 1-year outcomes across alcohol, nicotine, weight, and illicit drug abuse, studies show that more than 85% of individuals relapse and return to drug use within 1 year of treatment.” Of course, we all wish that relapse wasn’t a part of recovery, but the truth is that it is. Will everyone in recovery experience a relapse? Of course not. But, that doesn’t mean that they are immune to one in the future if they don’t maintain a close connection to their recovery program.

It also doesn’t mean that an individual that experiences alcohol relapse desires long-term recovery any less. They just happened to run into a bump in the recovery road. We must remember that recovery journeys are not all linear, and that’s OK. The key is to take the next right step forward after taking one of those lateral relapse steps.

What Are the Warning Signs of Alcohol Relapse

The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine also explains that “there are three stages to relapse: emotional, mental, and physical,” and that “the common denominator of emotional relapse is poor self-care.” So, if that “common denominator” is poor self-care, then what are the other factors that forecast a potential alcohol relapse? The following are just a few:

  • An individual may begin to become less engaged with their recovery program or community (avoiding attending 12-step meetings for example)
  • They may begin to glamorize their past alcohol experiences
  • An individual may become more secretive and isolated
  • They may start to frequent toxic places and engage with influential people that were part of their active addiction
  • An individual may exhibit excessive mood swings, and become defensive about their behaviors
  • They may express their doubts that the recovery process is working or that it will continue to work

Relapse: Never Get Discouraged

When it comes to alcohol relapse it is important to remember to never get discouraged. A relapse never has to be the end of recovery. The key is to learn from the experience and make the proper adjustments to get back on the right path. After all, it’s not how you fall, it’s how you get back up.

When discussing alcohol relapse with another fellow in recovery, one of the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson offered this, ”About this slip business – I would not be too discouraged. I think you are suffering a great deal from a needless guilt.” This guild is needless because looking back after a relapse will not magically make it go away, and that’s also OK. It is better to reframe a relapse as a new beginning rather than a roadblock.

Relapse: Never Give Up

So, what happens if all of the warning signs were missed and relapse happens to occur? The first step is to reconnect with the initial recovery plan and recovery community. Then the next step is to make adjustments and a relapse prevention plan so those warning signs aren’t missed again.

For example, for someone that just experienced relapse, it may be a good idea to create a daily check-in routine with either a “sober friend” in recovery or an addiction specialist. Another adjustment might be to journal before retiring to see if any of those warning signs were missed throughout the day. An excellent adjustment is also to connect to a safe space, where recovery is paramount. The Redpoint Center is one of those spaces.

Here at the Redpoint Center, our recovery mission has never wavered. Our goal is to not only create a safe space for recovery at the moment but also to provide the tools to avoid relapse and safely navigate recovery in the long term.

True sobriety and transformation are ongoing processes. There are also often new stresses and challenges that can inform an individual’s risk of relapse. It is critical to understand the signs and symptoms that may inform a person’s changing perspectives or risk of relapse, so they can then best address these situations to prevent engaging with alcohol again despite the challenges. The Redpoint Center is a safe space to address these challenges and create comprehensive relapse prevention strategies alongside professionals and peers for a sustainable sober future. If you feel like you or a loved one may be veering toward a relapse, we can help. For more information on addiction treatment and relapse prevention, call The Redpoint Center at (303) 710-8496.

The Effects of Drug Addiction on the Family Home

The Effects of Drug Addiction on the Family Home

By Addiction

The Effects of Drug Addiction on the Family HomeDrug use has a myriad of effects on both the lives of those engaged with drugs and those around them. Family, friends, and loved ones are all impacted by even one person’s use of drugs. Understanding the widespread and varied effects of drug addiction on the family is paramount for making an effective plan to address and overcome these effects. There is no easy journey to overcoming an addiction, but The Redpoint Center is prepared to personalize each program to address not just each individual’s needs in outpatient treatment, but also create plans for holistic recovery that address the various ways in which drug addiction affects the entire household.

Drug Addiction Isn’t Isolated

More than one in 10 children is estimated to live with at least one family member who is challenged by addiction. However, this already staggering number does not account for the families of adults who also must address the devastating effects of drugs. Viewing addiction not as a personal challenge but as a familial affair is crucial for effective healing.

The use of drugs or alcohol introduces many difficult personal challenges. For those addressing their use of drugs and considering professional treatment at The Redpoint Center, it can be common to want to hide their use from loved ones. While this is not typically done out of malice, it is important to understand how drug use is rarely truly isolated, and even efforts to “spare” family members from the stresses of addiction can lead to further destructive effects. The effects of drug addiction are not relegated to a single individual, and a person’s emotional state, finances, behaviors, and more can all impact the atmosphere of the family home

Some of the effects of drug addiction on the family include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Harboring resentments
  • Guilt
  • Hopelessness
  • Anger
  • Financial stresses
  • Feelings of “walking on eggshells”
  • The stress of watching language or “thin walls” to not otherwise upset or stress an individual

Even if loved ones are not actively observing a person engage with drugs, they can still experience any of these common effects. Household atmospheres can even adopt a more secretive and stressful air. Committing to professional treatment is paramount to address the extended effects of drug use on the family and develop a plan to overcome these challenges alongside those that matter most.

The Effects of Drug Addiction on Trust

Trust is a core component of any kind of relationship. However, trust can also be one of the first things compromised through drug use. An increase in lying can be common among those engaged with drugs, either to hide their use or in an attempt to keep loved ones from worrying. However, this can further exacerbate as drug addiction develops unaddressed, with the lack of trust leading to various other consequences, including:

  • Stealing
  • Interpersonal conflict
  • Denial
  • Compromised communication strategies
  • Inability to follow through on promises or commitments

Each of these can have profound effects on not just those engaged with drugs, but loved ones trying to understand, communicate, and support sober change.

Compromised Responsibilities

While it is common for those challenged by drug addiction to adopt a more isolated lifestyle, this approach can still have many ramifications for families. Those using drugs may compromise their ability to tend to household responsibilities or obligations, leaving such tasks to family members to take over. This can be further compounded by a compromised financial situation.

For some, loss of employment resulting from drug use or consistent call-outs can necessitate financial support from family members, while others may compromise their otherwise effective budget as they use more of their budget to procure addictive substances instead of tending to necessities like rent, groceries, and more.

Recovery as a Familial Journey

However, just as drug addiction rarely ever truly affects an individual in isolation, effective recovery programs and strategies can also have a positive effect on the family home and atmosphere. Embracing the familial nature of the disease can empower those in recovery to create a new program to address their needs and the needs of the family in tandem for a truly transformative recovery journey.

The Redpoint Center champions this approach to recovery, helping entire families address the emotional impact of addiction and build new strategies for healthy communication, support, accountability, and honesty to overcome the emotional impacts of drug addiction on the family home.

Effective Outpatient Programs

Outpatient programs are crucial for challenging the effects of addiction on an individual and creating change within the family home. The Redpoint Center’s intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) across Colorado empower those overcoming the use of drugs to make active changes in their daily life and adopt a plethora of new skills. These skills can immediately be put to use in familial healing as each person continues to live with those that matter most, creating an approach to sobriety and familial healing that can be adjusted efficiently and effectively throughout ongoing outpatient treatment.

Building Communication Strategies

Communication is paramount for challenging the myriad of ways that drug addiction has affected the family. It is also common that those overcoming drug use may not be fully aware of the extensive effects that their use has had on family members. Building new communication strategies can repair trust and reach an honest level of understanding to begin familial healing.

Each family will have their own best ways to communicate. Professional treatment at The Redpoint Center can empower those overcoming drug addiction to embrace the language and skills necessary to better communicate with family. This communication can also be used to set boundaries and expectations at home, helping to create a new level of understanding and accountability throughout the sober journey.

Drugs have a profound effect on those using them and their families, and entire family homes can adopt a new atmosphere and challenges as a result of drug addiction. At The Redpoint Center, we understand the profound effects of drug addiction on the family home, and we are committed to truly effective and holistic healing for entire families. Our unique approach to outpatient treatment empowers each person to explore effective and proven therapeutic modalities while overcoming addiction and immediately incorporating them at home, with consistent professional support for familial healing and transformation at home. For more information on how we can support your sober journey, call to speak to a caring, trained staff member today at (303) 710-8496.

Celebrating a Sober 4th of July

Celebrating a Sober 4th of July

By Addiction, Alcohol Rehab

Celebrating a Sober 4th of JulyThe 4th of July is a time for celebration, with families and communities coming together. However, for those navigating substance use disorder (SUD) and sober life through Redpoint’s outpatient care programs, the 4th of July can also be a time of stress. Creating new traditions and expectations around the holiday is paramount to prevent an individual from falling back into previously destructive routines, expectations, traditions, or otherwise re-engaging with addictive substances. However, that doesn’t mean that an individual has to eschew celebrating the holiday entirely. There are always ways to prioritize a healthy and sober 4th of July this summer.

The Challenges Presented This 4th of July

Both summertime in general and the 4th of July specifically can present many unique challenges for those pursuing a sober life. For many, the summer can hold many stresses and traditions that may be closely tied to the use of drugs or alcohol. Social gatherings and commercials can all reintroduce ideas of engaging with addictive substances during this time. Memories of past use engaging with these substances can also cause an individual to romanticize their use, especially with their use so closely tied to the holiday.

Likewise, the stresses of the holiday can also bring their own feelings. While an individual may be successfully distancing themselves from addictive substances, having to avoid social gatherings where such substances may be present can bring feelings of isolation, depression, and more. Coupled with the anxiety of navigating stress during this time, it can be a difficult task to maintain sobriety through the 4th of July and beyond.

Strategies for Celebrating a Sober 4th of July

Maintaining a healthy and sober lifestyle is difficult. Finding new ways to celebrate the holiday can help facilitate a sustainable sober transformation. By combining personal strategies for celebrating the 4th of July with continued engagement in Colorado rehab facilities, such as The Redpoint Center’s outpatient programs, each person can always find new ways to approach the 4th of July holiday while prioritizing sobriety.

Prepare With Mindfulness Strategies

The most important part of preparing to overcome the challenges of celebrating a sober 4th of July is understanding the risks involved. Being prepared for some kind of stress is paramount. It is important to situate oneself in the present moment to cope with the challenges and expectations of the holiday. Effective and regular use of mindfulness strategies, such as breathing strategies, meditation, naming things in a person’s environment, and more, can all help to situate a person in their sober present, rather than feel compelled by emotional distress or past experiences, cultures, or expectations.

Host Your Own Sober Party

While social events may not be necessarily curated with sobriety in mind, especially throughout the summer months and 4th of July celebrations, those continuing to tend to their sobriety through The Redpoint Center’s outpatient programs can always begin their own traditions and celebrations. Hosting a cookout or family gathering oneself has a number of advantages for those in recovery.

Being able to control the guest list is one of these major advantages, ensuring that an individual is only surrounded by those that understand and accept a person’s commitment to sobriety. Replacing previous social groups that may introduce unnecessary risk to a person’s sober efforts with new relationships made in outpatient treatment can further help an individual distance themselves from previous cultures to prioritize a celebration devoid of drugs, alcohol, or any connotations therein. Others may have new activities or planned events and games available to celebrate the holiday to further distance it from previous methods of celebration.

Limiting Social Media

Social media can be a blessing for those in recovery to connect with others. However, it can also be incredibly stressful if an individual is overexposed to stressful social media posts. This is especially true during this time of year when advertisements are plentiful and social gatherings that are celebrating substance use may be populating social media feeds.

Limiting the amount of time spent on social media, taking social media apps off of a person’s phone home screen, and ensuring that social media are only engaged with a dedicated purpose in mind can help to limit these exposures and prevent an individual from romanticizing past use or being exposed to unnecessary stresses this holiday.

Know Limits

Some may still decide to attend celebrations or gatherings of others. Setting expectations for these social gatherings ahead of time with the host can help a person prioritize their sobriety. However, it is also possible that an individual may need to exit a 4th of July gathering to prioritize their own sobriety. Going to these events alongside trusted supports that can help keep an individual accountable and enact exit strategies as needed is paramount.

Talking with family, loved ones, or even sober friends and supports can all help create a plan for an individual to know their limits and when celebrations may be introducing too many risk factors. Working with these supports, as well as the peers and professionals at The Redpoint Center in outpatient care, can help to refine these strategies to further prioritize their sobriety for future celebrations.

The 4th of July can be a time of wonderful celebration and community or a time of stress for those in recovery, and finding a new way to celebrate the holiday with sober peers and supports is crucial for fostering a truly transformed daily life. At The Redpoint Center, our commitment to effective outpatient treatment is intended to support you throughout the entire year, with new strategies and plans to address the 4th of July, the challenges of summer, and other hurdles unique to the changing time of year. We champion the opportunity to not only help you distance yourself from risky 4th of July celebrations but create new traditions in their place. For more information, call (303) 710-8496.

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