Recovery in Fort Collins, Colorado: Helping Loved Ones Accept My Addiction Recovery

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Recovery in Fort Collins, Colorado: Helping Loved Ones Accept My Addiction Recovery

The American author and psychologist Wayne Dyer once said, If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Change is one of the cornerstones of recovery. It is all about changing the way of living from a state of harm to a state of wellness. However, change can also be alarming and scary. This is also true when we ask ourselves, Will my loved ones accept my addiction recovery?" And when we ask ourselves, Will they be comfortable with my change?"

I'm Sober, Now What?

We ask ourselves many questions once we complete our initial stay in treatment or our initial outpatient program. The overarching question is often, I'm sober, now what?" This question pertains to many avenues of life, including our work, social, and, most certainly, home lives.

When it comes to all of these arenas of life, we must also take into account not just how we feel, but how others feel around us. Now, this does not mean that we should allow others to negatively affect our recovery, but it does mean that we can help them understand our recovery in ways that can benefit everyone involved. However, before we can help others accept our addiction, we must first accept it for ourselves.

I Must Accept My Addiction Recovery

Just as change is a big part of recovery, so too is acceptance. Many of us are willing to accept help with our initial recovery, but once we start to feel better that willingness to accept long-term recovery starts to waiver. This is dangerous because it can easily lead to a relapse, which is much more common than many people may think.

"Accepting my addiction recovery" also involves accepting that we are not going to be able to control the actions of others, only the way we react to those actions. This is crucial when it comes to helping loved ones accept our addiction recovery.

Helping Loved Ones Accept My Addiction Recovery

More often than not, loved ones are thrilled when we choose to get sober. However, when this sobriety starts to change us and how we interact with them, it can be a bit hard for them to adjust. We can help them with those adjustments by being open, honest, and willing to answer any questions that they may have.

One of the questions that often comes up is whether or not we are going to be able to drink or use substances normally" again. It can be hard for people to understand that even one drink or a drug can trigger a relapse and a reset of all of the addiction problems that existed before treatment. Explaining this reality can be very helpful in helping loved ones understand why we must remain so close to our recovery plan.

Loved ones also often feel that our recovery is taking us away from them." This is because we must stay so focused on our recovery, especially early on. Often, this includes going to recovery meetings and therapy sessions regularly. It can be helpful to explain to them that one of the reasons we stay so focused on our recovery is so we can improve the relationships around us. Besides, without our recovery, we wouldn't even have an opportunity to continue or mend these relationships.

To Accept My Addiction Recovery in Fort Collins: Moving Forward and Doing What Is Best for My Recovery

The reality is that some loved ones are not going to be able to accept our recovery and what we need to do to maintain it. When this happens, we must be willing to move forward without their approval.

We must remember that, ultimately, it is our sobriety and our lives that we are saving, and we cannot let anyone else's feelings toward our recovery get in the way of that. The reality is that we must always be progressing in our recovery, and for many of us, Fort Collins, Colorado is the perfect place to do that.

With the perfect proximity to both nature (the Rocky Mountains) and vibrant city hubs (Denver), Fort Collins is an ideal place for continued recovery. It also has an exceptionally established recovery community that helps to keep all involved sober one day at a time."

Healing at the Cellular Level With The Redpoint Center

Here at The Redpoint Center, we understand how important it is for the entire family to heal from the family disease" of addiction. We also understand that healing can take time.

The renowned Austrian psychologist Viktor E. Frankl once said, When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." That is what we aim to do here at The Redpoint Center: help people change into the healthy, successful people they were always meant to be.

It can be difficult for some people close to us to accept that we are getting help and choosing a recovered lifestyle. However, it is important to address the issues of one's new choice of sobriety with loved ones, as well as eliminate toxic relationships from one's recovery journey if they are going to have successful long-term sobriety. If you feel like you or someone you love is struggling with issues of addiction, mental illness, or both, we can help get you on the right road to recovery. For more information about how to talk to loved ones about recovery, please reach out to The Redpoint Center today at (303) 219-0973.


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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H

Longmont, CO 80501

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400 E Horsetooth Rd, Suite 202

Fort Collins, CO 80525

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2520 S Grand Ave, Suite 212

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

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