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Redpoint Center Managing Trauma

Managing Trauma, Together

By Featured, Mental Health

Managing trauma and finding solid support may not feel easy but it’s something we’re doing collectively and independently. Over the past week, we’ve all been focused on supporting one another following the horrific Boulder shooting at King Soopers. When we go through tragedies like this, it’s natural to feel grief, anger, overwhelm, or stress. It’s also completely normal to feel fearful or concern when violence touches close to home. The first key step toward feeling connected is knowing you are not alone. We are all going through this together.

For Redpoint, it hit particularly close since the location is so near our Longmont outpatient program and our team shops at the King Soopers market for our clients.

Managing Trauma

The first, perhaps most important step when we are managing trauma, is to breathe and hold space for ourselves. Your feelings are valid. What’s more, there are others feeling exactly the way you are. In addition, it’s natural to feel confused, upset, or despondent when something awful happens. Depending on whether you know someone directly connected to the shooting, or not,  the impact is felt. Sometimes, when we don’t know someone directly associated, we minimize our emotions or feelings. We don’t need to do this.

Normalize Mental Health

We may tend to think we need to muscle through or wear a brave face after going through a traumatic situation. But we don’t. In fact, when we talk about our experiences, and share the pain we may be feeling, we tend to feel better. Research shows that problems spoken and shared often feel less overwhelming. This is important when it comes to minimizing stress. Speaking to our feelings is also a direct part of taking care of ourselves. Another powerful component of reducing societal stigma around mental health concerns is pulling back the covers. What is held in isolation may invoke shame or feelings of denial.

Make Room for Boundaries

Practicing self-awareness means also carving out healthy boundaries for our mental health. When it comes to managing trauma, in particular, this might mean avoiding excessive news exposure, talking to people with whom you feel comfortable and safe. It also may mean that we take a mental health day at work or turn off certain notifications we don’t need right now. Whatever it is that you feel helps to preserve a sense of support for ourselves is what we need.

Practice Healthy Self-care

There are lot’s of ways to care for ourselves. It may mean we take a day to rest, we might reach out to others in service to get out of our heads, or we may go for a run to let off steam and get into the moment. Perhaps we take some quiet time to read a book or cuddle with our animals. Whatever self-care you feel is right for you, do it. This is important regardless of a tragedy but when trauma hits, we need the comforts of activities that help us to feel grounded.

Connect with Others and Showing Support

When we are struggling, it can be hard to reach out. However, it is vital that we stay connected to those we love. It may also be important to lean on professional support. This may be a therapist, counselor, or group therapy. It may be inpatient or outpatient care is needed. Don’t hesitate to be an advocate for yourself and others as needed.

If you wish to support someone who is struggling, there are some ways you can do so skillfully.

  • Communicate. The best way to connect with someone is to start a dialogue. If you fear someone is really having a hard time, reach out and show them you’re there. Sometimes, that is all we need. You can ask them how they’re feeling, if there’s anything you can do to support them, and you can remind them you are present to share the experience. Communication goes a long way.
  • Show empathy. We sometimes hesitate to share feelings if we feel uncomfortable or wrong to have them in the first place. Normalizing others’ feelings is one way to relate to them and make them feel less alone. This may be an opportunity to share how you are feeling or how you went through a painful period. It’s ideal to avoid words or phrases that might seem judgmental and ensure that your friend or family member knows you get it.
  • Stay in touch. If you don’t get too far or someone needs more time, come back to them, perhaps later or the next day. Let them know you’re here if they need you.

Managing Trauma Through Professional Support

Ultimately, as noted earlier, if you need professional support, reach out for assistance. The team at Redpoint Center is always here to assist and we can help guide you toward the right services if ours are not a good fit. We are here to help. If there’s anything experience has taught us, it’s that now more than ever, we need each other. Together, we can get through. Sending so much love to you and yours. May we all feel supported.

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Is Addiction a Family Disease? 

By Addiction, Alcohol Rehab, Community, Longmont Drug Rehab, Mental Health, Therapy, Treatment

Is addiction a family disease? What does this mean? Those experiencing addictive behaviors are suffering on their own. And their loved ones suffer immensely, too. It goes without saying that living with alcohol addiction or substance use disorder is incredibly difficult. 

When someone using alcohol or drugs begins to hurt their family, they may have various behavioral symptoms. They may show disrespect to their friends, siblings, or parents. In addition, they might lash out, challenge boundaries, or project their emotional struggles. Furthermore, other family members may modify their behaviors to manage the stress of it all. Some may try and help the individual using drugs or alcohol to protect them from getting into trouble. Thus, becoming the enabler. Others may take on the role of caretaker and attempt to compensate, providing care that may be lacking. These are only a few examples of the dysfunctional roles that family members might play.

Addiction: A Family Disease

In a recent study at Texas Tech University, the saying, “addiction is a family disease” took on new meaning. Not only is the addicted brain affected by the substances. In addition, the family members’ brains actually change as well. The study found that family members suffer as a result of the addict’s behavior. The prefrontal cortex of one using substances shuts down when faced with temptation or triggered to use drugs. Research shows the family members’ prefrontal cortex malfunctions as well. Hence, studies validate that addiction is a family disease. Parents and siblings can actually crave patterns. They seek to rescue and care-take their addicted family member. Therefore, this is similar to the substance abuser who craves their substance of choice. 

The conclusion of the Texas Tech study, states the following: 

“The present study provides preliminary evidence that family members’ symptomatic behaviors associated with a loved one with a substance use disorder (such as fear-based behaviors), as hypothesized, may be related to altered brain functioning. Given these findings, problematic symptoms and behaviors may likely not decrease simply because the loved one struggling with a substance use disorder finds abstinence or engages in a process of recovery. Should altered pathways be present in the brains of affected family members as has been found in individuals struggling with substance use disorders, it becomes of great importance to help family members recognize their own personal need for support, therapeutic treatment, and/or recovery. Part of the recovery process should include family-based therapeutic support, and it is therefore important to make sure that the appropriate systemic and relationship training is available to helping professionals.” 

Family Therapy Changes Outcomes

This study proves the concept of addiction as a family disease. The entire family needs to participate in treatment. Family members who turn to support groups such as Al-Anon or partake in family therapy find great success. Consequently, they are able to change their behavior. Also, families learn “the three C’s”: You didn’t cause it, you can’t cure it, and you can’t control it. If the alcohol or substance user is the only one getting treatment, it’s a vacuum. And then they go back into an environment where the rest of the family is still unwell. Hence, the individual’s likelihood of success goes down. The disease of addiction is viciously contagious. Therefore, it is important for everyone to seek help. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, mental health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. You are not alone. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol. To learn more, call us 888-509-3153.


Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Addiction

By Addiction, Community, Media, Mental Health, Misc, Therapy, Treatment

Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy utilizes therapy dogs in mental health and substance abuse treatment with profound impact. Many of us love animals, dogs in particular. In addition, we’ve learned that canines can enhance the benefits of therapeutic modalities. As an animal-friendly program, we see the impact animals have on our clients each day. Furthermore, there are many ways that dogs affect us through the human-animal bond.

Research Shows Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy Benefits:

  • Behavioral problems
  • Addiction
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autism
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Treatment Resistance

Dogs provide unconditional love and acceptance. This can promote health and healing when used in substance abuse and mental health therapy. Also, this positivity provides clients with healthy bonds. The connection creates an opportunity for clients to feel self-love and self-acceptance. Furthermore, animals can help decreases stress and anxiety. Hence, this is positive for the therapeutic process.

Dogs, Emotions, and Self-Regulation

Dogs provide immediate feedback. And they connect on nuanced levels. They can reflect emotions. Also, they help people to identify emotions and practice emotional regulation. Therefore, this allows clients to practice healthy coping skills. This is enhanced with the support of a clinical therapist.

The therapeutic experience can be challenging and stressful at times. A therapy dog can help to decrease anxiety. In addition, time with animals can increase feelings of well-being. This value is significant. As a result, physical activity and dog training can help to improve physical health, communication, and patience.

Benefits of Canine-Assisted Therapy include:

  • Strengthen the therapeutic alliance between therapist and client
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Improve psychosocial functioning
  • Decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  • Decrease Stress
  • Improve communication skills
  • Better Mood
  • Improve anger management
  • Better physical health

It is important to ensure that both the client and the therapy dog are comfortable. Also, it is key to ensure that both will benefit from the therapeutic encounter. Consequently, this happens prior to engaging in canine-assisted interventions.

At Redpoint, we are lucky to have our own therapy dog named Parker. Parker is generally in the office on most days of the week. He is happy to sit in on a client’s therapy session if he isn’t busy chewing his toys.

Studies reveal the efficacy of animal-assisted modalities. In conclusion, animals have a positive impact. Our furry friends bring love and more!

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or mental health concerns, we are here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol abuse. Learn more about our program.  Call us any time 888-509-3153.

More information on Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy:

  • Incorporating animal-assisted therapy in mental health treatments for adolescents: A systematic review of Canine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Melanie G. Jones, Simon M. Rice, Susan M. Cotton

  • Research on Benefits of Canine-Assisted Therapy for Adults in Nonmilitary Settings

Janet S. Knisely, Sandra B. Barker, and Randolph T. Barker

  • Patient benefit of dog-assisted interventions in health care: a systematic review Martina Lundqvis, Per Carlsson, Rune Sjödahl, Elvar Theodorssonand   Lars-Åke Levin
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EMDR in the Treatment of Addiction

By Addiction, Community, Mental Health, Therapy, Treatment

EMDR to Address Trauma During Addiction Treatment

EMDR is a powerful tool for healing trauma. Studies show that trauma is a risk factor for addiction and substance use disorder. In addition, treatment of trauma is key for individuals to recover from addiction. At the Redpoint Center, we use several different types of treatments for trauma. These modalities differ from talk therapy. One reason talk therapy doesn’t always effectively address trauma is that the memories are stored in the hippocampus, part of the midbrain. Talk therapy doesn’t effectively access these memories stored in the midbrain—it tends to involve the utilization of our frontal lobes. Furthermore, trauma is often stored in the body, requiring somatic attention. Hence, EMDR is a powerful intervention.

Using EMDR to Cope With Trauma and Stress

EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy is a positive tool. It helps us access and process memories stored in the midbrain. Our use of EMDR is expanding and helping more people with issues that cause distress. People with substance abuse issues commonly have a history of trauma. In addition, they struggle to cope with stress and often benefit from EMDR.

Research shows that EMDR causes changes in brain chemistry that reverse the damage caused by trauma or acute stress. Bessel van der Kolk, an expert, and researcher, in brain chemistry and trauma, shares several brain studies to support this approach. His PET scan photographs of the brain before and after EMDR sessions show the benefit.

EMDR and the Brain

The PET scans of one who is remembering trauma light the amygdala in the brain. This is part of the limbic system that is responsible for emotions, survival instincts, and memory. The amygdala is activated when one experiences trauma and acute stress. It is the “smoke detector” that scans the environment and lets us know of a threat or event that is relevant to survival.

When people experience a threat the amygdala becomes activated. The frontal lobe, where cognition and understanding take place, is quite dim because the amygdala is more heightened. Hence, when people are experiencing “normal” day-to-day happenings, the frontal lobe is bright and outshines the amygdala.

Studies Show the Benefits of EMDR

In one study, van der Kolk had several individuals go through EMDR sessions. Before the sessions, the PET scans showed a brain in a trauma state. After the EMDR sessions, the brain appeared normal when the client was bringing to mind the same stressful event. The memory was no longer held as a traumatic memory but as a normal, processed memory.

We found another study where van der Kolk showed that subjects with a complicated traumatic history, after six EMDR sessions, had greatly reduced PTSD symptoms that continued to decrease even more for up to six months after the study.

We do not know exactly how psychotherapy affects the brain’s neurobiology. However, we do know that when people are upset, their brains cannot process information normally. EMDR is similar to what occurs naturally during dreaming or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.

During REM sleep, the information from the day is being processed. When people experience trauma, the amygdala becomes hyperactive and stores traumatic information and memory. This makes it difficult to process this information. EMDR creates the same stimulation that occurs during REM sleep. This assists the brain in processing the trauma or issues related to stress.  The end result is that people see disturbing information in a new and less distressing way. Consequently, they are better able to process information.

Getting Started with EMDR in Treatment

We know addiction is connected to acute stress and often trauma. Once a client has dealt with trauma and acute stress through EMDR, he or she is better able to cope. Therefore, they experience healthy relationships, cope with stress, and live a happier life.  In addition, people can recover from addiction since they are no longer, or less affected, by their distress.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, Mental Health problems, The Redpoint Center is here to help. The Redpoint Center treats both adults and youth struggling with addiction and alcohol. Learn more about our Longmont Drug Rehab, by calling 888-509-3153.

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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H
Longmont, CO 80501

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